Tape 5:Side A

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"This next tape goes out to Corinna. I couldn't exactly find the words to describe you. But, here it goes.

You were the person I was able to count on for anything and everything. You were the person I called when anything good or bad happened. You were my person. And we were supposed to be best friends forever, but that didnt work out like we thought it would.

I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I called someone else my best friend. I'm sorry that we didn't make all of the memories we thought we would be making. I'm sorry I never uploaded those pics and videos of us (but now it would be kind of weird). I'm sorry this is weird. Us not being best friends is just weird. But I guess that's life, and sometimes, things dont turn out like you think they will or should.

Corinna Kopf, you were my best friend! Yet, you ruined my trust and faith for you. One Night, you were having sex on David's bed. I ran in his room and got you out of there. I wasn't concerned if it was David or not. Even though, I trusted him. She was drunk and all over the place. I took her home. When I got back, I looked in David's bed. Someone was still there. I could see their phone screen lighten up their face. It was David. I stormed out of his room and eventually made my way home. Dom was sitting in my living room. Our Conversation:

Dom- "Liza I'm so sorry. I know it must suck to see your best friend having sex with me in your boyfriend's bedroom."

Liza- "That was you! I though it was David. When I went back in his room, he was under the covers with no shirt on."

Dom- "I know he's there. I just left him and didn't tell him anything. I knew he would be pissed. Liza I'm sorry."

Liza- "It's fine. Just get out of my apartment. Don't tell David anything."

Dom- "Okay. Bye Liza."

Liza- "Bye Dom.

You all may think I'm mad about Corinna and Dom hooking up in my boyfriend's bed. No. That's not why I'm mad. When I came back to David's apartment, David was crying. I walked in his bedroom. Corinna had him chained to his bed. She was kissing him. His pants were almost all the way off. He had tape on his mouth. I ran over to Corinna. I grabbed her hair and slung her against his closet. David told me that Corinna knocked him out and that when he woke up, he was like that. She came onto him. My boyfriend. David was scared and hurt. He didn't touch me for weeks, which I didn't care that much, and he didn't confess his love for me like he has in the past. Corinna, it was all your fault! David was emotionally, mentally, and physically scarred because of you. He was almost raped by you. You are a bitch, Corinna. I hope you are happy with yourself. That isn't all you did though. You texted me a week after the incident.

(C= Corinna) (L= Liza)

C: Liza, I want to try and gain our friendship back. I was drunk. I'm sorry babe.

L: Nothing you say or do will fix what happened to us. I have a new friend now. David is still emotionally upset from what you did. Go fuck your own self.

C: God, Liza. Little innocent brown girl not so innocent anymore.

L: Shut up. You know what I have been through and you aren't helping matters.

C: Oh? Because you got raped.. three times! Yeah, I'm not helping matters. But I will tell you this. I hope you get raped again, but this time slower and more painfully. Go rot in hell Liza.

L: Thanks for that Corinna! I wish the same to you.

C: Go kill yourself.

Right there. In that instance, Corinna Kopf, my best friend of four years told me to go kill myself. Did I listen to her? Not in that exact moment. But those awful words kept replaying in my mind. Go rot in hell Corinna."

Author's Note:
As you know so far in this book, David is numb and emotionally drained. Hence the reason I didn't write about his opinion on this tape! Hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading! As always comment, and rate!


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