Enter Beacon.

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Hello everyone. I'm gonna show how he got into beacon. Also in the end of this chapter, I'll make a list of Semblances he should wield. Also, comment down on the girls he should be with. Now enjoy the chapter..

[Y/n's POV]

(Timeskip: 17 years old)
It's been many years since Ares came into my life, and I'm still happy i got away from my former family. Right now, I'm training in the new titanium, dust infused flight armor I forged and called: Heaven's Wrath to master my durability and flying skills..

 Right now, I'm training in the new titanium, dust infused flight armor I forged and called: Heaven's Wrath to master my durability and flying skills

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Then I heard and saw my mother Ares calling me...

Ares: Y/n. Sweetheart, Can you come down for a second?

I flew down to her and dispatched my armor into regular clothing..

Y/n: Is there something you need, mom?

Ares: Yes, there's some people hear to meet you. is that alright?

Y/n: It's fine. Let's go

Me and my mother went inside the house I currently live in. It was big, luxurious, it has a pool and everything. When we arrived in the living room, there were two people I never met before.

???: So it is true. You do have a son.

Ares: Of course, Ozpin. He is a God like myself.

Ozpin: *looks at y/n* Hello, young man. My name is Professor Ozpin, and this is Professor Glynda.

Y/n: It's a pleasure to meet you both. May i ask why you two are here?

Glynda: We were told by your mother that she wanted you to enter Beacon, correct?

Y/n: *nods* And i have a feeling my mom told you everything with my skills?

Ozpin: That is correct. And other thing is this armor she mentioned. May i see it?

Y/n: Sure thing.

He then got into a stance and channeled his aura as his armor started to form around him, blinding everyone. By the time he's finishes, he is flying in the air with his armor.

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