Dealing with Bullies and Regret

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Hello everyone, sorry for the chapter hold up.

[Y/n's POV]
It was lunch-time for us in the cafeteria. After getting our food from the line, Me and Jade went to our table where Teams RWBY and JNPR sit at and said hi to one another. Team JNPR consisted of Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha and Ren. After greeting each other, we took our lids off got to eating..(brown is Jade's, red belongs to y/n. They can magically produce any type of food you want)

Y/n: *sees everyone staring at me and Jade* Uh...why are you all staring at us?

Weiss: Well..we never seen food like this before. What's is it?

Jade: It's a Bento. Y/n's mother, Ares made it for us and told the lunch ladies to especially give them to us.

Y/n: And she they're magical, so they make any good we want, clean themselves, and shrink do they got in our pockets.

Ruby: *feels saddened that she didn't mentioned his real mother, but replaces it with a fake smile* So uh..y/n. Are you gonna do anything after class?

Y/n: Nothing but play video games and draw, but anything

Yang: Well, why not hang out with us?

Y/n: I don't know..

Before Ruby could say something, we turned to our corner to see a girl with bunny ears being pulled on them from an asshole with his friends just laughing in her pain.
(I'm gonna make Velvet a first year)

Bunny girl: OW THAT HURTS! Please stop..

Cardin: Hahaha, i told you it was real

Russell: What a freak.

Jade: *feels angered* Why are they hurting her? She did nothing wrong to them!

Y/n: *hugs jade to calm her down* It's ok, jade. I'll take care of this.

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