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(Third persons pov)
As Johnnie stood there, jaw dropped looking at this breathtaking girl he, couldn't even form the words to Answer her. The girl coughed getting quite uncomfortable, with Johnnie staring at her, all love struck. Johnnie quickly changed his expectation to a cold and emotional less face, Johnnie then said in a stricted tone. "Yeah, I'm fucking dandy"! Johnnie yelled in annoyance, anger and love. Fear shot through, the girls green eyes, but quickly covered it up, "I was just asking to see if your alright, but apparently you just want to be a smart ass, to me." Johnnie was about to say, something sassy back, but was cut of, with the strongest urge to pounce, pin, pop out his fangs and bite and suck blood. Johnnie's eyes turned a bloody red color, that shocked the girl, the girl the starting stepping back as the vampire stepped forward. They continued to forward to backwards, until the girl was up against a tree, the girls eyes watered as Johnnie looked down at her, smirking as the girl trembled, underneath him. Johnnie then said "don't worry, baby it'll be over if you don't move"

There ya go, I reposted this because the first time I wrote it it sucked, dick. So vote/comment.

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