Chapter 24 - the after party

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The oscars was amazing. Jazz won an oscar and I honestly couldn't of been so proud of her. Daniel cheered loudly as she went to collect her award, she looked beautiful as she stood gleaming on the stage with her god oscar in her hand.

It was now about 11pm, jazz the boys and I headed off to the after party.
I completely forgot about the Lamborghini, it pulled up In front of us at the  valet and I got filled with the surprise I first felt when it pulled up for the first time. Jack held my hand as he helped me in, cheers came from the crowds some screaming "congratulations on the engagement!"
I completely forgot about earlier too, it's as if during the Oscars I was brainwashed and forgot about everything that had happened before the event. I looked down at my hand to see the black gem glistening in the low lights of the night.
"Congratulations baby, I'm so proud of you and I love you so much" jack said as he got into the car kissing me passionately as I faintly saw more bright flashes of the photographers cameras.
We began to drive down the road as I listened contently to the gorgeous purr of the car. "Can we stop off somewhere and buy some jolly ranchers?" I randomly said to jack completely oblivious to the whole evenings standards of etiquette.
"Ahaha what?" He laughed hysterically in disbelief
"Like I don't know I just really fancy jolly ranchers" I laughed back
"Ok sure, we can stop off at a shop on the way" he agreed smiling at me.
I pulled out my phone and tweeted
" I really want some jolly ranchers"
As soon as it sent I got thousands of favourites replies and retweets.
I scrolled through the responses liking all of them laughing a little at how funny some of the fans were.
We parked up outside the shop and got out the car. Me and jack began to snapchat us walking together into the store in our fancy Oscar dress ware. We picked up some jolly ranchers and twizzlers. We met some fans and then headed to the after party.

It was stunning, we were on the roof of a fancy penthouse, there were fairy lights a small stage with a snazzy jazz band playing lightly in the background of the overwhelming muffle of people's conversations.

I brought the sweets up top with me, jack and I sat together feasting on our sweets laughing and talking about everything that had happened earlier on in the evening.
"Hey, ohhhh are those jolly ranchers?!" Asked a voice interrupting mine and jacks conversation.
"Ah yeah... you can have one if you like?" Offered jack
"Thanks" she giggled " im Taylor" she added offering her hand out as jack and I shakes it.
"Sit please" I said gesturing to a chair next to me as she sat on it. "I'm jack and this is my fiancé jenna"  said jack smiling
It felt so strange hearing him say that, but it also felt so right, even though I was still so young, I just knew that this was what I wanted. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with jack, I loved him so much and never ever ever wanted to not be with him.
"Congratulations! I saw, you defiantly put on a show!" She replied excitedly
"Thank you so much, so how old are you? If you don't mind me asking" I replied
"I'm 455" she said laughing
"So young, in 569" I laughed back joining in with her joke
Jack smirked and rolled his eyes as he popped another jolly rancher into his mouth.
"Do you guys want drinks?" Taylor asked getting up
"Yeah sure anything will do us" I said looking at jack for  a conformation.
"Ok I'll be right back" she said waking off
Whilst Taylor went off to get drinks for me and jack, the guys and jazz came and joined us on the couch.
"Jolly ranchers hey?" Asked jazz sarcastically taking one out the packet 
"You know they're my favourite" I laughed back putting another in my mouth
Taylor came back with drinks surprised to see 7 of us all sat around the couch.
Before I introduced her I saw jonahs eyes light up, he studied her in her dress, the blue sequins shining lightly off the warm fairy lights dotted around the roof. I fought her staring too, at him in his tux.
I broke off their stare as I said
"Guys this is Taylor, we met her just a minute ago"
"Hey Taylor" they all said
"Heyyy" she replied looking awkwardly at us as there wansnt anywhere really for her to sit.
Jonah instantly moved and offered her his seat. She handed us her drinks and then went over to Jonah who was watching her every move with eager eyes.
Taylor was hilarious, she was witty and sarcastic, cracking jokes every 2 minutes. She was a keeper, just after talking to her for 10 minutes it felt like I had known her my whole life.

The after party began to hype up, we all began to take tikilaa shots and danced around like maniacs.
Taylor and Jonah hit it off, their smiles never left their faces and they sat with each other contently the whole evening.
Zach and me danced, it was amazing. I didn't want my engagement to get in the way of our friendship as I knew Zach still loved me. I loved him too but only as one of my closest friends.

Zachs POV
I tried to completely forget that jack had asked her to marry him today, but still part of me wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. She looked stunning in her dress, the black leave hugged her body like a perfectly fit glove. Her eyes sparkled in the soft light of the warmly lit roof top and the sound of soft music serenaded my ears as I watched her beam dancing with me.
I loved her so much, and I never wanted to be with out her. If only things could've been different, that I could've been the one that found her at the party when we first met her, or I could've changed her mind when that girl kissed jack at the water park. But it was too late now. The girl I loved was now getting married to my best friend and there was nothing I could do about it.

Jacks POV
A slow dance song came on and Zach walked over to me "I'm happy for you bro, you got the most perfect girl in the world" I saw a tear roll down his cheek as he smiled at me, he went to walk away but I grabbed his shoulder.
"She loves you, you know" I said trying to comfort him
"I know, but she'll never love me as much as she loves you" he gave me A nod and walked away into the crowds of Oscar party guests.

I began to dance with jenna, swaying slowly to the music. I looked deeply into her green eyes, she looked into mine. We held that stare the whole dance and it was magical.
"You should go find Zach, he seems down. I'm worried about him" I said as the song ended
"Ok, do you know where he went?" She asked
"I don't know" I said looking down
She put my fingers on my chin and pushed my head up soothingly "it will be ok, chin up jack I love you" she said kissing me and then waking off to find Zach.

Jenna's POV
I walked past Taylor and Jonah laughing to find Corbyn as I knew he was the last person that had talked to Zach.
"Hey Corbyn, have you seen Zach?" I asked concerned
"Am yeah he went down stairs out on the sidewalk why? Is something up?" He replied concerned
"Jack said he looked a bit sad, im worried about him but I'm sure it will be fine" I replied walking off and into an elevator.
I got down to the side walk to see Zach stood staring into space
"Hey Zach, you ok?" I asked approaching him
"Yeah" he said trying to cover up his obvious tears
"No your not zachy, tell me please, I'm here for you" I replied hugging him
"I'm just happy for you, your marrying one of the most amazing male on this planet. I'm envious of him and how he's going to treat you and love you better than I ever will" he replied with glassy eyes.
"Oh Zach, I love you and I'll never let you leave, ever" I replied tearing up a little.

But I did exactly the opposite of what I said I'd never do and there was nothing I could do to get him back.

Heyoooooo hope your enjoying .
I haven't really got much to say apart from

Rex :) xx

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