Alpha Snuggles

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"To you, Alpha Somude."
Andrew Jay Somude
"Twenty-three years young."

Exact Birthday☆
"We celebrate it every year."

May 26
"You're kidding right? Where have you been living, under a rock?"

"Do you need proof? I'd be glad to show you."

"You're pushing your luck now pup."

"Personality? Who needs a personality when you're running a pack?"

Jay may come off a little strong and cocky, well that's because he is. He knows how to manipulate and throw his weight around just right to get the outcome that he wants. Being an Alpha, he's dominant by nature and protective of what is his. He doesn't care to show his softer side, but when he does he's pretty much a big teddy bear
"Not being asked stupid questions that you should know the answer to already."

Jay likes planning ahead and keeping up with what is going on with other packs. He likes a good tussle and a challenge to keep him on his toes. What most don't know is that he loves to cuddle and to be able to just hold someone makes him happy.
"Didn't we just discuss this in your previous question."

He hates having to repeat himself and having to go through life with each day the same, thankfully it's not like that. Jay can't stand it when someone breaks a pack rule and wouldn't hesitate to punish them.
"Now you're acting just plain stupid and blind."

Jay stands at six feet and one inch, his skin naturally has a light caramel look and being in the sun has made it a bit farker. His dark brown/black hair is a bit on the longer side and his eyes are a steel grey blue. He's leaner than most high ranking males but still nearly all muscle from countless days of training, which left him with multiple scars across his body.

 He's leaner than most high ranking males but still nearly all muscle from countless days of training, which left him with multiple scars across his body

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His wolf has shades and shades of browns, along with some black and maybe even some white. His eyes are a honey amber and he is larger than the average werewolf's wolf form.

 His eyes are a honey amber and he is larger than the average werewolf's wolf form

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Usual Outfit☆
"That depends on what I'm doing. Working or a business trip, you'll find me in something nice. Otherwise whatever I want."


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"Family? Basic, mom, dad, siblings. Why is this important."
Mother: Andrea Somude
Father: Zavior Somude
Older Sister: Alexia Taylor
Younger Sister: Samantha Taylor

"Even if I had any, you think I'd tell you?"
Besides being a secret snuggle bug, he use to wander off into the forest alone at a young age

"Speaking of job. I have to go finish something. Papers don't sign themselves."
Alpha of Glowing Stone Pack

"On second thought, why don't you just leave instead. This is after all my home."
Jay didn't grow up in a high ranking pack, knowing exactly what it means to work to make a living. But after years of working hard and non-stop, he was recruited to join the ranks of warriors. As he spent more and more time away from his family, he felt it was going to be impossible to get back to them and be normal again. When he did get breaks, he's disappear from the pack area and return near dusk. The Alpha of the time was slowly dying of old age, without pups of his own he either had to choose someone who would make the cut or let the wolves who wanted to be Alpha right for it. Being a peaceful Alpha, he began attending trainings to watch the younger wolves. A few had caught his eye, but not as much as Jay had. Jay would then attend more meetings and spend more time with the Alpha, still going to training each day and somehow finding time once in awhile to go home. Once the Alpha passes away in his sleep, the pack grieved before Jay was announced to be the next Alpha and when there wasn't any voices objections that's exactly what he became.

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