Proper Meeting- Chapter 2

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Gen's POV:

I woke up in an unfamiliar room but an addicting scent filled my nostrils making me not want to leave this bed. I shot up remember what happened yesterday, I met my mate. This must be his room I thought but I was slightly disappointed that he wasn't here when I awoke.

I climbed out of the king sized bed and realised I was still in my bikini and a top which I guessed belonged to my mate. I padded over to what I guessed was a wardrobe; I opened the doors and found a huge walk in closet full of my mates clothes. I picked a light blue t-shirt and took off the one I was wearing before replacing it with this one. Even though the shirt came to just above my knees I grabbed a pair of boxers and slid them on top as well.

I decided to venture out and leave the room hopefully discovering where my mate is hiding. As I left the bedroom I decided to use my strong sense of smell to guide me towards kitchen. As I made my way towards the smell of food I couldn't help but take in my surroundings and couldn't help but gape in the size of this pack house, it was huge!

I made my way down the stairs and took one final turn and finally found myself in the kitchen. As I stepped over the threshold everyone's gaze snapped towards me making me feel uncomfortable and want to run back upstairs and hide.

"Umm hi." I said shyly.

A girl sat at the breakfast bar sat next to whom I presumed must be her mate and smiled warmly at me. "Hi I'm Charlotte and this is my mate Chad, he's the Beta." She said with pride and love in her eyes.

Chad spoke up, "Nice to meet you."

I smiled in return. Charlotte patted the stool beside her indicating for me to sit down next to her and I was glad so I no longer had to linger in the doorway.

"Here have some breakfast." She said and pushed a bowl and spoon towards me and pointed to the cereal and milk in front of me to choose from.

"Thanks." I said politely.

After I finished my bowl of cereal I turned towards Charlotte and quietly asked feeling a bit embarrassed, "Umm d-do you err know who my mate is? I don't really remember much from yesterday."

She giggled and looked at Chad. "We'll take you to him if you want?" She offered.

I nodded eagerly getting excited about meeting my mate properly for the first time.

We headed out of the kitchen Chad slightly in front of us leading the way while Charlotte had her arm looped through mine and chatted mindlessly about any little thing. By the time we got to a pair of big double doors I felt like I knew pretty much every little thing about her but it felt like we were going to be great friends.

I looked at the double doors in front of me and took a deep breath before I walked through the open door that Chad held open for me. I walked in and heard the door shut behind me guessing Chad and Charlotte had left my mate and me alone.

My mate got up from a big desk towards the back of the room with chairs in front and sofa's surrounding the walls.

Our eyes met and I was in a trance and I slowly made my way towards him as he did the same. We met in the middle and immediately my mate wrapped his broad, muscled arms around me keeping me tight into his chest.

"I was beginning to lose hope on ever finding you." He breathed into my hair.

"Umm what's your name?" I asked quietly.

"I'm Alpha Theodore, Little One." I blushed at his nickname for me.

Realisation hit me and I let out a gasp before slightly pulling away to look at him, "Alpha Theodore? As in the most feared Alpha?"

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