Chapter 5

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Gen's POV:

I finished hugging and saying goodbye to my family and walked towards Theo's car. Before I reached the car my mum wrapped her arms around me again and started sobbing, "I can't believe my little girl is leaving."

I hugged her back and said, "It's not like you're never going to see me mum. I'll visit and you can come to the pack whenever you want." I look to Teddy to confirm this.

"Of course you're welcome anytime, all of you." Theo agreed.

I gave my mum and dad one last hug before getting into the car and waving out the window as we drove off.

Once we arrived back at the pack house Teddy called Chad down to help him carry all of my stuff up to our room. Wow our room it still sounds strange saying it but I like it.

I took a light bag of my things and took it upstairs while Chad and Teddy made numerous trips back and forth from the car until everything had been brought up.

"Let's go and get you guys something to drink after all that hard work." I announced and began walking out of the room.

It wasn't long before the guys caught me up and Teddy took a hold of my hand and laced our fingers together.

"Wow just make me a third wheel guys." Chad joked as he rushed passed us into the kitchen whilst we followed behind him. "Hey Babe." He greeted Charlotte who was already in the kitchen.

We walked over to the counter and Teddy leant back against it and settled me in front of him and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Alright love birds; I'm sure you'll manage to be away from each other just for a little bit." Charlotte teased.

"Mine." Teddy growled and tightened his grip.

"Oh hush up you, I don't swing that way, though if I did Gen would be pretty hard to resist." She winked at me.

I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my mouth and soon I was in hysterics clutching my stomach as I was laughing so much it made it hurt.

Once I calmed down I wiped the tears from my eyes and moved to make the drinks.

Chad and Teddy gave me a weird look and just raised their eyebrows at me silently saying 'what the hells wrong with you'.

"You know it Babe." Charlotte came up to me and jokingly kissed my cheek while giving the guys a wink.

"Okay that's enough, she's mine." Teddy lightly grabbed me by the waist pulling me away from Charlotte.

I giggled again and gave Teddy a quick kiss to his cheek and then moved to make the drinks for a second time. I got the fizz out of the fridge and poured out four glasses handing one each to everyone and then keeping one for myself.

I settled back under Teddy's arm and stood with a smile on my face feeling the happiest I ever had been, with my mate and friends.

"I'm going to start putting my stuff away, Charlotte do you want to come with me?" I asked.

"Do you not want me to help?" Theo asked pouting.

"No you've done enough besides you two have work to do." I said.

"See you guys later." Charlotte said to them as she grabbed my hand and pulled me out the room and back upstairs. "Shall we start with clothes first?" She suggested.

"Yeah good idea, can you hand them to me and I'll hang them up." I suggested.

Charlotte began handing me clothes one by one as I put them on the railing on the opposite side of where Theo's clothes were hung.

Once all my clothes were hung up we moved to put away my pyjamas and underwear in the drawers.

"Ooo look at these." Charlotte teased while holding my matching black thong and push up bra.

I blushed bright red. "Give me those." I said as I made a move to grab them from her.

"Keeping those from Theo hey?" She giggled.

"Maybe." I muttered. "Just hand me the rest."

Soon we had put all my clothes and underwear away and had moved on to placing some of my pictures around the room as well as remaking the bed and adding my blanket and cushions.

"There, perfect." I let out a happy sigh that we had finished unpacking everything.

"It looks good if I say so myself." Charlotte said as she looked around the room.  "What do you say I call the guys up here to see what they think?"

"Yeah good idea." I agreed.

She must have mind linked Theo and Chad as in no time they were stood in the doorway staring into the room.

"Well it looks different." Theo said slowly.

"Yeah if you mean your rooms been attack by girly stuff and your bed has been scattered with fluffy cushions and blankets." Chad laughed.

"You don't like it?" I asked looking down.

"Sweetheart it's perfect, it's a mixture of both me and you." Theo said as he took me into his arms and kissed the top of my head.

I smiled up at him happy that he liked it, I mean it wasn't that girly, ok maybe it was.

"Why don't we all go and watch a film?" Charlotte suggested.

"Yeah good idea." We all agreed.

We went down to the movie room and sat on the sofas. I cuddled up next to Theo and got settled while he chose what to watch.  After the long day of collecting my belongings and then unpacking it began catching up on me as my eyes began to feel heavy and drift shut as I laid my head on Teddy's shoulder.


Sorry it's been so long guys, there's no excuse for it being this long and I'm sorry.

It's not the longest but I wanted to update.

Let me know what you guys think!

Vote and comment xxx

C x

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