Chapter 11

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I let a sigh escape my lips. Why? of all the tributes in this arena, why do I always find the tributes from Ten?

I feel a gentle breeze blow and I shift about, making more noise then I wanted.

Jada's eyes flick in my direction and I grit my teeth. I sigh in relief, when she turns back, not noticing me.

Jada is my age, but it doesn't look like it. She's larger then I am and she's older than me by a few months. I doubt I could win a fight with her, but the odds could be in my favor.

Sirvantize is a year older than me, obviously more skilled then I am. He's a bit larger than Jada, but they're both built perfectly to fight.

I guess since I'm from Twelve, it's natural that I'm smaller and weaker, but since I was little, my family's taught me skills, so I may have a bit of an advantage.

The one downside to this situation is that I'm outnumbered. I could possibly shoot them, but for some reason I don't want to. And I don't want anyone else to kill them. I guess I've grown to like these two, since they're the only ones who haven't attempted to kill me; yet.

They seem to be talking or arguing about something. I don't want to get closer to hear.

I have a feeling they know I'm here. They just don't want me to know. I shift again, afraid that my suspicions are right.

Sirvantize looks in my direction and I know he sees me. Jada follows his gaze and they look at me. I want to move but I just sit there, pretending I'm dazed and confused.

They exchange a glance and look back at me. I try not to move nor breathe but I can't help it.

I don't know why but for some reason fear courses through my body. I slowly stand up straight and begin to back away. I see Jada sigh and she comes towards me. I bite my lip. I notice we use the same weapon. But my arm won't come up to shoot my bow.

I catch movement out of the corner of my eyes and catch a glimpse of blond hair. Starr.

I take another step back. I'm the only one who can see Starr. She looks from me to Jada and back. "Just this one last time." I hear her soft hiss.

She runs off and I whirl on my heel. The next time I look over my shoulder a cannon booms.


I know it's short but that's all I can think off. Check out my other stories "A New Beginning" and my recent one "Planet Fandom". Go read MockingJAYJAY's version of this. It's called "The Start" and it's Sirvantize's POV. Thanks for the reads and votes. ~ Peyton

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