my eyes are blinded by sweet phrases you speak to me so that i'll see your intentions, not through my eyes, but through the eyes that will let you see things about myself that i can barely look at in the mirror without hating and harassing. i can't see my thoughts anymore. they're scattered in my mind, mixed with my feelings for you, and i can't see enough to decipher the difference. you tell me all the things i'd love to hear. i can't see between the lies and reality. it all blends together because my vision wants me to believe the words coming out of your pretty lips. i get anxiety every time i get a notification from you. Afraid of the two words i knew you were going to say. Those words you asked me on the second day of us talking. Those words were the only thing you wanted from me. if i didn't follow through on them, you'd hate me, I'd never hear how beautiful i was to you again. Because i didn't follow through on your command.
"send nudes"