Nightmares ~ Levi x Scared Reader

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You watched as the soldiers you once knew were slowly ripped apart or plunged into the vile mouths of the huge raging beasts. You watched in horror as your friends and family were brutally murdered by the titans. You wanted to cry out their names but something prevented you from doing so, you wanted to go out and save them but your body wouldn't move. Instead, you silently watched your loved ones get devoured, as their blood splattered onto your cheeks and over your clothing. You were horrified and the gory display in front of you made you want to puke.

"(F/N)!!!" you heard someone scream in the distance, a voice you knew all too well. You whipped your head around as your eyes widened and your pupils dilated in pure shock. In the distance you could see Levi struggling to get out of the grasp of an enormous titan. You wanted to go and save him but something refused to let you. You wanted to scream out his name but your voice just would't come out. You stared at him as the humongous monster brought him up towards it's mouth. Levi gently turned his gaze towards you, mouthing the words I love you before he was pummeled into the beast's mouth.

The world around you seemed to crumble and fall, as nothing seemed important any more. You could feel your own body being lifted off the ground. Silent tears rolled down your cheeks as you stared into your predator's eyes. Your body was being crushed by the gigantic hand that held you as pain made a course around your limbs. You felt dead even though you were still alive. Everyone you loved and cared for was dead, it made your own existence seem useless. You watched as the titan held you right above its mouth and stared at your hungrily. You were able to let out a ear piercing scream before you fell into the titans mouth and everything went black.

You jolted up, eyes completely filled with terror. Fear shook through your core as you placed your hands onto your cheeks to assure you that it was all just a dream. Your heart pounded mercilessly as you could still feel the tears streaming down your cheeks. Cold sweat covered your body as you panted, struggling to take in oxygen. As if on cue, Levi slammed your door open, not caring if the other cadets woke up or not. Concern washed over his features as he saw you shaking in your bed.

"L-Levi" you managed to say in between your choked sobs, which made Levi immediately come over to your side. He sat beside you on your bed, using his thumb to wipe away the tears that were still freely falling onto your cheek. 

Levi averted his eyes, opening his arms a little bit to suggest that he wanted a hug but trying not to be keen about it. You quickly accepted his request and gently nuzzled into his chest, accepting the warmth that he provided. You cried into his chest as he softly rubbed small circles into your back, waiting for you to calm down.

"Shh (F/n), everything's okay now... I'm here" he cooed, slowing down your tears and turning them into soft hiccups.

"I couldn't save y-you... I couldn't save anyone" you croaked out between hiccups. In response, Levi gently patted your head while continuing to rub circles into your back.

"Don't worry (F/n), it was only a dream" he whispered into your ear, easing you a bit. Yet you still felt worried, you still felt great amounts of uncertainty. Any of your loved ones could die, whether it's next year or tomorrow.

"I c-can't help but worry Levi" you said while pulling out of his embrace to look into his steel blue eyes.

" Everyone that I loved was dying in front of my eyes... and I couldn't do anything! Even you... I was so scared, I couldn't even move my legs! I don't want to l-lose you..." you whispered angrily as you bowed your head in shame and tears slowly made its way down your cheek again.

"It scares me too (F/n)..." he murmured catching you by surprise. You looked up to meet his soft gaze, as he gently rubbed the new tears off your cheek.

Levi x Reader One-Shots [ Shingeki no Kyojin / Attack on Titan Fanfiction ]Where stories live. Discover now