Birthday Presents ~ Levi x Reader

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" was the first thing you heard in the morning as annoying voices urged you to wake up. You slowly peered through your blankets to see Mikasa, Ymir, Christa, Sasha and Hanji, watching you excitedly. Normally you would have been annoyed at them for waking you up at five o'clock in the morning, but although it was childish, you too were excited for the many greetings and events the day would bring forth.

Instead of scowling at them with your usual expressions you let out a small giggle before proceeding to get up and off the bed.

"Thanks guys" you muttered as you closed them in for a big group hug. They gratefully accepted as their hands wrapped around your body in a tight hug. You were enjoying the new sentimental feeling,cherishing the brief moment you were sharing with your friends until you felt hands sliver against your bare skin. A small gasp was all you could let out before they completely ripped the previous clothing on your body.

"WHAT THE HELL GUYS?!?" you screamed as they pulled off the last of your clothes and started replacing them with new ones.

"We can't have you in your uniform on your birthday now can we?" Mikasa muttered as she adjusted your hair while staring at you in approval.

Peering down, you found yourself wearing casual articles of clothing. Nothing too fancy, but it was comfortable considering you didn't have to wear your uniform. You looked at your friends to see that they weren't wearing their uniform either.

"Are you sure that Commander Erwin would allow this?" you questioned as you gently tugged on to the shirt you were wearing.

"He's the one who suggested it (F/n)! Now c'mon, we're gonna be late!!" Ymir and Christa yelled out simultaneously as they grabbed onto you arms and dragged you out the door.

"Late for what?!?" you screeched out as you flailed under their grasp. You were expecting an answer but instead, you received a blindfold to block your vision and a cloth to cover your mouth.

You let out muffled screams as someone threw you over their shoulder and ran to wherever they needed to go. You mentally slapped yourself for thinking today was going to be a calm and pleasant day. Knowing your friends, today was going to be one of the weirdest and most memorable moments of your entire life.

A few minutes later, you finally arrived at the place your friends wanted you to be as you heard the feet around you come to a halt. You shifted a bit from the uncomfortable position you've been in until the person who was carrying you carefully put you down on a hard surface. 

As soon as you were put down you quickly raised your hands towards the cloth around your mouth and took it off, allowing you to speak again. 

"What the hell guys..." you muttered as you took off the blindfold as bright lights seemed to blur your vision for a few moments.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY (F/N)!!" your friends yelled out as they practically suffocated you with their tight hugs. As soon as you adjusted yourself, you took a look at your surroundings, completely shocked at where you were.

"Was it really necessary to kidnap me... just so you could bring me back to my room..." you whispered in pure distress that they caused such a commotion for nothing.

Everyone's in my room to celebrate my birthday!! Even Humanity's Sexies- Strongest Soldier is here too! You thought as you locked eyes with Levi, causing a small blush to stain your face.

"ANYWAYS...," Hanji yelled out to break the tension, "LET'S BEGIN TO PARTY!!"

To be honest you couldn't even begin to explain what had happened during the party. Sasha and Connie were eating for most of the time while Ymir and Christa were constantly flirting with each other. Jean and Eren were either raving, dancing or spewing insults at each other. Erwin and Hanji were drinking non stop as they took shot after shot, and Mikasa, Armin, Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie just stayed on the sidelines. 

Levi x Reader One-Shots [ Shingeki no Kyojin / Attack on Titan Fanfiction ]Where stories live. Discover now