Who Is She?

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S/o to @Harrys_Babyxx for all the comments! Thank you!! This chapter is for youu xx


"Ari Bear?" Someone used my dad's old nick name for me shaking my shoulder

I opened my eyes and saw Sam standing over me

I felt arms around me and looked down, Lou was sleeping and holding me

My eyes widened and I quickly got up waking him up as well

"Hi Sam.." I recomposed myself

"Let's go, there are tons of fans out their, so I need you to wear these and this.." Paul said handing me a black sweatshirt and a pair of glasses

"Just like old times, eh?' He smiled

"Yeah, I miss them.." I sighed and slipped on the sweat shirt and glasses

Sam gave Lou the same thing and we made our way out of the jet

I kept on looking at Lou but keeping my head down

Soon I heard high pitched screaming and insults being thrown left and right

"Who is that skank?"

"Why is she with One Direction?"

"No guys, we should thank her, she is a perfect example to the boys of what not to date!"

"She kinda looks like Ariella Pierce!"

"That Bitch!"

But then their were the true fans

"If the boys are happy we should be happy!"

"Do you even know who Ariella is? She's geourgeous!"

"That's Robert's daughter!"

"One Direction is so lucky to be with her!"

"She's an amzing singer! There was this one time I went with my dad to see her dad and she sang.."

Sam took my hand and Lou's and dragged us into the limo

"Well look who it is, sleeping beauty and prince charming, how was your flight?" Harry smirked

"Harold!" Liam slapped him

"I was kidding geez!" Harry rubbed his head

"Yeah Harry, don't be a jerk.." I smiled

"Say's you! You are the one who tried stealing my boo bear! Larry Stylinson for LIFE!" Harry yelled

"What is a Larry Stylinson?" I asked

"She wasn't lying when she said she wasn't a fan.." Zayn said witha frown

"No seriously, what is it? Can you eat it?" I asked again

"No you can't eat it, sadly.." everyone laughed at the Irish boy "It is a bromance between Lou and Harry, it was made by the fans, they combined their names and think they are together.." Niall explained

"So they aren't?" I asked

"No, but its funny seeing the reactions of the fans.." Lou smiled at me

"That's so mean!" I said

"No its not!" Harry and Lou laughed

"You are impossible, wait don't you have a girlfriend?" I asked Lou

"Some what.." He asnswered

"How's that?" I asked

"Elenour is my girlfriend, but management is making me date her because me and Harry were both single and it just made the fandom thing Larry was even more real.." He said

"You aren't happy with her, are you?" I asked looking into his beautiful sea green eyes

"Not at all.." He answered

"What about you lot? Is this happening to you guys too?" I asked them

"Niall refuses to even go near a girl until he knows she's the one, I have Peyton, Harry is single, and Zayn is getting maried to Perrie." Liam answered

"What happens if you fall in love with someone else and want to break up with Eleanor?" I asked

"I never had that problem till now!" He said, I couldn't help but get angry

"Awe! Who is she? Someone famous?" I asked, I was always a good actor, and for some reason I began to feel jelous

"I don't really know her. I have yet to figure out her secrets and really what she's like.. All I know is she is beautiful and I love the way she feels in my arms, and she is well known, but because of her father." He said looking me in the eye, I wounded if he looks her in the eyes like this

"Do you know if she likes you back?" I questioned,

"What are you doing Ari? Stop!" I yelled at myself

"Not sure, but I hope to find out soon.." He said,

"Told you to stop!" I mentally scolded myself

"Well who ever it is, she will probably like you back, and I could always help you. Who is she?" I asked again,

"ARIELLA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" I screamed at myself again

"She probably thinks I'm a creep." He sighed

"Awe Lou, don't say that. You're cute and sweet!" I complimented

"Do you really think she likes me?" He asked

"Most likely, then again I can't really tell cause I DON'T KNOW HER cause someone won't tell me her name!" I fake laughed

"You'll find out soon enough!" He saw right through my fake smile, but at the same time I wasn't sure if he really did, does that make sense?

"Okay, well that was awkward! Who wants food?" Zayn asked

"I DO!" Everyone except me screamed

"I'm not that hungry.." I lied

"Suit yourself!" Niall said and ran out of the limo to.. Nando's? What is a Nando's?

"I'm assuming you have never been to Nando's?" Harry asked

I shook my head

"It's a restaurant, a really good restaurant, as you can see Niall probably could eat everything in there, so let's go before he actually does."

We all laughed and got into the limo going after Niall

"Hello, party of.. Oh hi guys! Niall just went over to the usual table, and who's this?" Some waiter asked

"I'm Ariella." I said to the black hair boy, he had green eyes

"Hello Ariella, I'm Jimmy. Can I ask why you are with One Direction?" Giving me a flirtatious smile, but I ignored it

"Well because-" "I think Niall is wanting to eat, let's go get food!" Lou cut me off

Everyone agreed and we went to a table in the back corner of the eating area by a window

We all ordered our food and heard tapping on the window

We all looked over and we were blinded by flashing lights, I could barley hear muffled questions being fired at us

"I'll call for back up." Sam groaned getting up taking out his phone

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