It's mom...

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"Matt?" I gasped

"Yes it me! How are you?" He asked

"I-I-I'm good.. How are you?"

"I'm doing okay, I guess.."

"Why what's wrong?"

"Ari, it's Mom."

"What? What about mom?"

"She didn't want me to tell you but I need to. Ari, she's had cancer for about a year. She has 3 weeks left.." He sobbed

"WHAT!" I screamed

"I'm sorry, Ariana. I couldn't hold it in any longer.. And I'm sorry I haven't talked to you in years. I just couldn't.." He started to cry

"Please please PLEASE tell me you're kidding! This all has to be a joke! MATT!" I started to cry as well

"Ari! Are you okay? Open the door!" Sam knocked

"Was that Sam?" Matt sniffled

"Mhm.." I chocked up

"Ari!" Sam called worried

I got up and unlocked the door letting Sam in

"What's wrong?" He asked seeing my tears, he took his dumb and dried them

"My mom only has 3 weeks left.." I sobbed quietly

"Ari! Why are you with Sam?" Matt called

I put my phone on speaker so we both could hear

"Ari answer me!" He called again worried

"You know for my uni, how there is that mentoring program?" I asked

"Yeah.." Matt said

"I got chosen and I am being mentored by One Direction, Sam, Paul, Adam, and Eliot all work for them, I'm in England.." I smiled softly though he couldn't see me

"Where in England are you?" He asked quickly

"London, I believe.." I looked up at Sam and he nodded his head

"Are you kidding me?" Matt asked surprised

"No.." I said

"I'm in London too!" He almost yelled happily

"Aren't you with mom in Australia?" I asked, how could he know she was sick? She didn't have a cell phone

"Moms here!" He told me

My eyes widened

"Since when!?" I asked

"For the past like 2 months!" He said

"Matt where is mom at.." I asked

"Central London hospital."

"Sam? Can we go there please?" I asked him with puppy dog eyes

"Sure, let's go.. I'll go tell the boys we're leaving.." He said and left

"Matt?" I said

"Yeah Ari?"

"I'm scared.. Really really scared.."

"What? Why?"

"First dad is gone, now mom is leaving too..." I sobbed

"Shhh, hey listen, I'll see you in a little bit. I promise. I'm headed in now to go see mom. Come soon okay? We can talk then.. I love you Ari. Everything will be okay." He said softly

"O-okay.. Matt?" I chocked

"Yes, Ari?"

"I love you too, glad you called.." I said

"Me too kid, me too."

We hung up and I ran down stairs

"Ready Ari?" Sam asked

"No.. But I have to be.."

"Ari? Why are you crying?" Zayn came in

"I- I miss home.." I told him, it wasn't a lie. It just wasn't the whole truth

"It's gonna be okay! This whole year will go by so fast!" Zayn told me hugging me

"Thank you Zayn." I smiled

"Alright we're off to the store now.." Sam said, I was glad he lied, I hate sympathy, it makes me feel even worse when people remind me of my problem

"Bye guys!" Zayn called

Me and Sam got into the car and drive to the hospital

"It's okay, Ar." He assured me

"Thank you, Sam."

We finally pulled into the parking lot and I ran to the reception desk,

"Karen Pierce please?" I nearly yelled

"Are you family?" She sassed

"I'm her daughter!"

"You don't sound like her son."

"I'm from Australia!"

"Let me just call the room."

"URG!" I yelled

I walked over to Sam and started to cry again

"We'll get in, I promise.." He rubbed my back

I sniffled and the receptionists called my name


"I'm sorry for the wait, room 245. Go to the elevator, it's floor 3, when you get off it's on the right side. Good luck sweetie." She said

I thanked her and me and Sam went to the elevator following her instructions, we walked down the hallway and finally found the room

I slowly opened the door,

"Mom? Matt?" I sniffled

I wasn't prepared for what was before me. Nope. Not at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2014 ⏰

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