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There is a small spot, just on the inside of your wrist. It shows your soulmate. Maybe it is glowing, maybe it isn't. Quite possibly, you aren't old enough for it glow. But it should, eventually. Most everyone's began to glow by their thirteenth year.

It all started when Niall was about three. His mother's wrist was always glowing whenever he saw it. At times, he caught sight of his father's. Greg would come from his tutoring session that he had once a week with pink stained cheeks and a glowing wrist.

"Mummy, why does your wrist always glow?" Little Niall asked one day. His mother just gave him a small smile.

"It's caused by your father, Niall. My soulmate. One day yours will do the same," she promised. Niall gave a small giggle and continued to play, seemingly forgetting the entire conversation in a matter of seconds.

For the next few years, Niall semed to understand the point of the glowing wrist. Sometimes, he would see some of his mates' wrists' light up when they touched a girl. Niall's never did.

He was almost fourteen when he questioned it again. "Mam, why does my wrist never shine?" He asked her.

Once again, his mother just brushed it off. "You just haven't met your soulmate yet, Niall."

Greg had already met his. Niall wasn't that much younger than him. Why hadn't he ever seen at least a glance of his wrist lighting up?

Denise, Greg's girlfriend and soulmate, was a really nice girl. She seemed to balance out Greg's carelessness very well. Niall could tell why they were meant for each other.

If it weren't for those two, Niall would have given into the hopelessness he felt whenever he thought about his light.

His mates at school, sometimes he caught sight of their wrists glowing. They all had some pretty girl that they could kiss and hug and love at any time they wanted. It was always allowed because, well, they're soulmates. How could you keep them away from each other?

Niall was completely alone. Of course, he had his friends Louis, Harry, and Zayn. But it still wasn't the same. Zayn had Perrie and Harry had Louis. Niall only truly wanted someone to love him like that. Was it so much to ask?

By the time he was nineteen, Niall had pretty much given up on all of the soulmate shite and moved onto other things. He focused all of his time and effort into uni, hoping that possibly he'll be able to make something out of his majour.

He and his mates had found a uni that had all of their wanted careers. Niall was at least happy enough that he didn't have to travel to class alone everyday. Louis had a couple of class at the same time as him, so it wasn't too bad.

All seemed well enough for Niall. yeah, his wrist hadn't ever shown any signs of glowing, but he didn't really care. Niall had his friends, he had his family. What more could he possibly need?


So, yes, this isn't my one (three?) shot. It's based off of it, yes.

Hopefully, since so many people were hoping I would make a story out of it, I have!

At the moment, I've almost completed chapter one.

Hope you like it(:


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