«chapter twenty»

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chapter twenty

day fourteen

Two days had passed and Liam hadn't seen Niall at all. It wasn't as if he were enjoying not seeing Niall; no, he was tearing himself up because he couldn't go see the boy. It was the weekend, so he knew for sure that all the boys were probably over there.

By now, they had probably all been convinced that everything was all of Liam's fault, just as everyone always believed it was. It made Liam want to cry. Maybe they had convinced Niall that it was his fault, too. Maybe Niall had decided to deny him. Liam would rather take torture in hell for the rest of eternity than see any harm come to Niall.

So even though he did have classes on Saturday, Liam skipped them. He laid in his bed at home and cried, wishing that Niall was with him. He hadn't seen Andy since the day Niall was brought to the hospital, and Liam was having mixed feelings as to if he actually wanted to see him again.

The first day he was completely alone, ignoring his phone and hiding in his bed all day. He let out small tears just thinking about the fact that maybe, just maybe, Niall didn't want to see Liam again. that he had finally figured out it was all Liam's fault. That was enough to make him not even get out of bed. Liam didn't eat that day.

The second day was a bit different. Liam still didn't deserve to get out of the bed, but he did anyway. He got up out of bed and showered. But he didn't go near the kitchen. He didn't deserve to eat yet.

The next thing he did was check his phone. Liam wasn't surprised to find out that he didn't have any messages at all. He scrolled through twitter and finally put his phone away.

Another odd thing that happened was someone knocking on his door. Liam never had any guests. Only Andy, who generally showed up uninvited. Niall was the only other person to ever visit Liam's home, and he was only there once.

He was even more surprised to see Zayn standing at the door. "Hey, can I come in?" He asked uneasily, scratching at the back of his neck. As stunned as Liam was, he moved aside to let Zayn in.

"W-Why are you here?" Liam stuttered nervously.

"I'm here to talk about Niall. How are you two, exactly?" Zayn raised his eyebrow.

"We're, uh, okay, I-I guess."

"Liam, I know you aren't okay," he said kindly, trying to reach towards Liam. "I'm here if you want to talk or cry or something, okay?"

As soon as Zayn said cry, Liam broke down into tears. He knew that for as long as he had been putting on his brave face, he wasn't okay. And as Liam cried, Zayn walked over towards him and pulled the boy into his arms, holding him as he cried.

"I d-don't like leav-leaving him, Zayn. I hate leaving him and I want him to be with me forever but I just can't. I can't stand the thought of him deserving someone better, but he does. Niall deserves someone that can be the best for him and it really fucking scares me that I'm not it." Liam broke down sobbing again.

"Liam, you realize that there is a reason for you two being soulmates, right? You are the best for Niall, whether you know it or not. I came here because we all decided that it's probably best you and Niall move in with each other. Or rather, he move in with you." As he talked, Zayn reached up to Liam's face and wiped his tears slowly.

"R-Really? I've been wanting to ask him, but I thought that he'd rather stay with you guys." Liam bit his lip absentmindedly.

"We were just thinking, since I'm moving in with Perrie, and I doubt he'd like to be a third wheel with Louis and Harry, he'd probably be best off here. Plus, you two have been having so much going on lately... You need it. You both need it."

"Really?" Liam squealed. "Oh, I'll go make room for him right now!"


day three hundred sixty-five

It had been a year since the first day Niall and Liam met. A lot of things had happened since then. A lot of things Niall had rather not think about.

The memory that really caught his mind as he waited for Liam was the day he moved in. Liam had moved most of his stuff out so Niall would have enough room. It was really cute, Niall remembered.

The day that Liam had taken Niall to that water park also stood out. Somehow, the blond had separated himself from Liam. The crowd had practically overwhelmed him and Niall's claustrophobia got the best of him. Liam found the boy sitting down in the middle of a kiddie pool, his breathing so shallow Liam was surprised he hadn't passed out yet. That had been the last time Liam ever took him anywhere with a crowd.

"Everything is all set up. You ready?" Liam asked, slidding his arm around Niall's waist.

"I'm ready. But why did you decide to take me out on a picnic at midnight? Not that I really mind," Niall pointed out. Liam laughed a soft, short laugh and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"All in due time, my love."


So far, the picnic was going wonderful. But the place seemed to have all of Niall's favourite foods, and it seemed as if Liam was making a point to butter him up for something.

"So why am I here, Li? It seems like you're buttering me up for something."

Liam took a deep breath and placed his hand on his pocet, moving himself a little closer to Niall. "Niall James Horan. We both know I'm not very good with words or speeches. So I think I'll just say it.

"I love you, Nialler, but I don't really like your last name." Liam paused to pull out the velvet box and pull it open. "Would you let me change it?"

Niall sat quietly for a second and blinked back his tears before grabbing Liam's hand and pulling him closer.

"You know, I don't really like my last name either."


because ''will you marry me?'' and "yes." are too cliche. take the last line however you wish

and now it is over.

i figured i would end this before everyone turned into mermaids and moved to russia.

[but that's in the sequel]

lol there is no sequel sorry babes

but i'm starting up a new story yayyyyy!

sew kool

i really hope you guys enjoyed this a lot.

1135 words


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