«chapter twelve»

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chapter twelve
day eight

Niall was estatic when he woke up and was still curled in Liam's arms. The elder boy snored quietly in his ear. Niall was so warm, happy, and comfortable, he didn't want to get up. But just as cliche as it sounds, Niall had to pee badly.

He tried to wiggle himself out of quickly and gently as he could. Niall's actions froze as Liam let out a small moan of protest, pulling the blond closer and demolishing his efforts of freeing himself completely.

Niall turned in Liam's arms and grasped the elder boy's chin, pulling his face closer to his own. "Liam, babe," he whispered, allowing his breath to fan over his face. Niall figured that the morning voice (and breath) would wake Liam. Apparently so, as Liam's eyes fluttered open.

"Mm, hey babe. Why're you up so early?" Liam yawned.

"Because you're holding me quite tightly, and I feel as if my bladder may explode. Can you let me go for like, thirty seconds please? We can cuddle when I get back," Niall begged. At the mention of just holding Niall again, Liam let his arms fall limply to his sides, and Niall jumped up, racing to the bathroom. The only thing Liam heard was a satisified sigh, which he giggled at.

"Have a nice wee?" Liam teased as Niall came back and laid in his arms. Niall giggled and placed his head on Liam's chest.

''If you must know, it was," he replied smartly.

The pair laid in silence for almost fifteen minutes. They would have stayed that way longer, but Niall smelled food. He jumped out of Liam's grasp, almost falling out of the bed, and sprinted towards the kitchen. Liam just sighed and followed him quietly.

"Hey, Haz!'' Niall greeted quickly. "Where's the food?"

"Nuh uh, blondie. Make your own. This is for Boobear." Harry picked up the tray that sat on the counter and walked back to his bedroom without a glance back.

"Liam?" Niall whined in distress. "Can you cook?"

"That I can, lovey. But, I could also take you out for breakfast? We might have to stop by my flat first so I can get some clothes, though," Liam purposed hopefully.

"Done! Just let me change and get my wallet. I'll be out in ten," Niall made a move to kiss his cheek, but Liam turned his head so he planted one on his lips.

"Don't bring your wallet, love. I'm paying. Now run and get that pretty arse dressed." They both grinned at Liam's remark, and Niall took off running back towards the bedroom.


Niall almost wanted to tell Liam that he could borrow some of Harry's clothes, since they were probably the same size. But, rethinking it all, he also wanted Liam to smell like himself, not Harry. So he allowed himself to be dragged into liam's flat and sat on the couch.

"I'll be back in like fifteen minutes," Liam promised. "My fridge and pantry are open to you, but there may not be a lot. I haven't been shopping in a while." He gave a sorry smile and raced off towards his bedroom.

Niall was never a person to snoop. But with all the pictures on the mantle and walls, he couldn't help but get curious, right? It wasn't as if he was snooping through drawers.

The first few pictures were of a set of girls, probably in their twenties, laughing and smiling. Another was of a baby Liam and his mother. The smile on Liam's face looked so genuine, it made Niall smile. There were more, presumely of Liam, his mother, and the girls that were more than likely his sisters, but there were none of his father. Niall wouldn't make a comment if Liam asked, but that didn't stop him from wondering.

He knew of the harsh relationship between Liam and his father. But couldn't he have at least one picture?

"Ready to go, babe?'' Liam asked, sneaking up from behind him.

"Yeah, I think I'm about there," Niall replied, rubbing his hand over Liam's wrist.

They stood there for another minute or so, only being interuppted by their stomach's growling in harmony. "I guess we need to go," Liam laughed. "Do you want me to take you back to the lads, or would you ike to spend the afternoon with me? I'm not pressuring you." Liam added the last part quickly, hoping Niall would understand that he wasn't forcing him to stay.

"I probably need to tell the lads if I'm going to stay the afternoon. I didn't even tell them I was leaving," Niall groaned. "Zayn is going to kill me."

"He won't kill you, love," Liam promised. "I won't let him."

"I know you won't Lili," Niall nodded. "But I suppose I need to go back this afternoon. Louis doesn't like me being gone for too long."

Liam nodded in understanding. "You wanna go now? I'd like to take you back before I get in toruble for taking you without permission."

"Yeah, now's cool," niall nodded. "I should get back as soon as possible."

"I'll do anything to keep you out of trouble, love. Where do you want to eat?" Liam grabbed his keys and Niall's hand and led him to the car, being sure to open the door for him.

"Thank you," Niall blushed. "Can we go to Waffle House? I've been craving Waffle House." (if waffle house isn't in the uk, i don't care).

"Yeah, baba. We can do waffle house," Liam grinned. "I like it too."

"Good," Niall gave a big grin back. "I never got to ask: how did you sleep? O slept like a baby.''

"I slept perfect. It's good to have a warm little human being to cuddle with instead of a teddy bear," Liam joked. "But in all seriousness, I wish I could have had someone freeze that moment. Whether I was asleep or not, it was perfect."

"I wish we could have stayed like that too," Niall mumured quietly as they pulled into the parking lot.


well hai

i want another cookie


alice is in north carolina like whyyyyyy

but i shoulddddd get to facetime my boo tomorrow

so epicness

sew board


oh no da cookie are taking efeffffect

nevermind like

1063 words


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