Chapter 2

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Pictured: Circle of Life (I don't know what else to put) :)

Song of the Chapter: Secrets by One Republic


After spending two hours watching Grant Gustin speed around Central City, I head downstairs, bored out of my mind. Summer camp doesn't start until next month, and I want to wait as long as possible to delay working out and getting up at five thirty in the morning.

I run into a guy, who matters a quick 'sorry' before turning back to catch the ball. Rolling my eyes, I head outside to the pool, but there are guys there, too. Sighing, I head to the basement, where the game room is, only to find it full. How many guys are there? Geez!

Dad comes downstairs with Eigarn, my three year old brother. He takes naps pretty frequently, but is really active once he wakes up. He runs around, loving the multitude of playmates, who love him back.

"Dad," I start.

"Not now, honey. I have to find the twins to make sure they're still alive," he smiles and dances off when he secures Eigarn's safety.

I force a smile back and look for Wranguin, but to no avail. Some dude trying to catch a ball steps back and crashes into me, making me fall. They get up and help me to my feet and I storm off. Too much testosterone. Seriously, what changes from the transition of high school to college? The amount of hair on one's body?

I head to one of the guestrooms I know no one will find. Opening the door, I breathe a sigh of relief when I see there's no one there. Then I shriek when I see the guy from before sitting in the bed. He looks up, lifting his head from his hands, and his eyes widen.

"Oh, uh...sorry, is this your room? I just wanted some quiet. Sorry," he apologizes, moving to leave.

"No, it's okay," I say, examining him. He looks to be about twenty, college sophomore and doesn't look too terrible.

"I know a place where it's quiet, if you want," I offer.

"Really?" he asks, surprised.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, you just seemed so annoyed with us here. Sorry if we're encroaching."

"I live with six boys plus Dad. I get used to it," I shrug, leading us to the backyard.

"How is that? Living with six siblings?"

"Well, it's not bad. I love them, but they can be tiring. Especially for Dad. He usually takes care of us because Mom's usually out on business, but he makes sure we know he loves us. What about you? Any siblings?"

"Yes, one actually. He's thirty years old and the perfect son. Married the perfect woman, has two perfect kids, has a perfect job, and lives in a perfect house."

"You don't sound bitter at all," I tease and he chuckles.

"Just that I constantly head my parents. Why didn't your do this? Greabryd, my brother, always does it like this and it turns out perfectly. Why didn't you catch the ball? Greabryd never dropped a ball in his football career. Why didn't you ace the test? Greabryd never got lower than a ninety nine on his tests."

"Wow, that must stink. I'm sorry."

"It is what it is," he shrugs. "But football is a way to escape, you know? It's something I'm good at. Not as good as Greabryd, but good. I got here on a football scholarship, and I love it. It's something I can do, and can do correctly, unlike everything else."

"I'm sure that's not true," I protest.

"Really? Because I have a five point five GPA."

"That's not bad!"

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