Chapter 3

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Pictured: Trust

Song of the Chapter: All Too Well by Taylor Swift


"Wait," I stop him, leaning away.

He pauses and leans back too.

"I'm sorry. That was out of line. You have a boyfriend and we're just friends and you don't l-"

"Rydiden, it's okay," I calm him. "Let's just forget it."

He nods and paces the room, running a hand through his hair, messing it up. I look down awkwardly and move back to the jerk's phone. Opening it again with a grin, I go to his photo album but Rydiden takes it away.

"Calinayn!" he scolds.

"What? I want revenge!"

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

"Stupid morals," I mutter, crossing my arms, and he smirks, tossing the phone back onto the night stand.

"Can we at least do something to his clothes?" I ask.

"Did you just not hear the wise words I just said?"

"Quoted, bit yeah. Fine!" I sigh, flopping back on the bed, then recoiling when I remember who sleeps here.

"But he tried to touch me!" I try again.

"And he'll get punished for that or something else he does later on. That's your dad's job. Not yours."

Rolling my eyes, I look up at him from my spot on the bed.

"When did you get so good?"

"I always have been. You just have to dig deep enough."

I look away, a blush tainting my cheeks. I hear the doorknob turn but the door doesn't open because of the dresser.

"Hey! Who's in here?" I hear a guy's voice exclaim. "Get out of my room!"

Snickering, I stand on top of the dresser, making it heavier for him to push. I'm almost certain that it's the jerk, which is his new name. I gesture for Rydiden to get on too but he sends me a look.

"Please?" I give him my best puppy dog eyes.

"Fine," he sighs and climbs on, his left leg touching my right one.

"Hey! Get out of my room!" the jerk shouts, slamming against the door.

I giggle and Rydiden lets out a smile.

"Shh," he whispers, clamping a hand over my mouth.

I smile at him and he laughs quietly as we listen to him slamming against the door.

"Open the door!" he grunts.

"Who are you? Why are you in my room?"

"Come on! Please?"

"Whoa, that's a first," I whisper behind Rydiden's hand, laughing at my joke.

He shakes his head and I stop, listening for the jerk, but the sounds are gone.

"Someone's in my room and they won't open the door," i hear the jerk say.

"Interesting. I think I know who it is, though," I hear Sandrayn say and my eyes widen.

"Calinayn! Open the door and I swear, I won't hurt you," Sandrayn calls through the door.

Removing Rydiden's hand, I peek through the crack the jerk managed to make when he opened the door slightly.

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