Chapter 2 - Fresh Meat

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Hope you guys have liked the story so far. Just so you know I will be putting songs on each chapter that I think go with the feel of the story. Ok, you can keep reading now. Bye!

The soft sunlight of the morning poured through my blinds like maple syrup on pancakes (my favourite breakfast food). I sat up adjusting my eyes to the light. Then I remembered that it was winter as an incredibly cold breeze of air passed through the crack between the window and the wall.

I walked over to my desk. On it was a sticky note, all yellow and obnoxious.

Left to get my sister from her friends house. Tell your mum thanks for feeding me and letting me stay over. Love you.

The last two words stood out a lot. Love you. Were we really at that point yet? I guess it didn't matter because we thought we were going to be together forever. You can't just be friends for your whole life, like each other and break apart anytime soon.

Here comes the strange part. I have a box hidden in the bottom of my closet. No one knows where that is. I repeat no one knows of its existence. In that box I have everything that I own in jewelry. One silver necklace with an amethyst on the chain. My grandmother gave it to me the day before she passed away. That morning I woke up and found it was gone.

My first thought was that we had been robbed. I mean that would be the most rational explanation. But, why didn't they steal my phone or money or laptop? There was also no trace of anything on my window or door.

All I knew was that I didn't take it. The rest of that day all I could think about was the fact that there were only two people in that room and it definitely wasn't me.


It was Monday. School had started and I was sat at the back of the class by myself. Aria and Nova were in music while I was stuck in physics. I hated school sometimes because I never did any of the fun subjects. The perks of being academically smart.

A girl, looking fairly dazed and distressed may I add, walked in.

"Excuse me. Is this year 11 physics? I've been looking for ages."

"Yes darling. Take a seat right next to Celeste there."

The girl sat next to me and arranged all of her things on the desk. Her pens all in a row, in colour order. Her book were all stacked in a perfect pile that would have put my neat freak friend Aria's book stacks to shame.

"Hi I'm Amelia," she said, brushing a bit of hair out of her face.

"Celeste. So you're new? Where are you from?"

"A long way away." Okayyyy.

"Where do you live?"

"I just moved in near the cemetery."

My brain finally clicked. "Wait, you're the Amelia that moved in next door with her mum. I'm sorry I haven't come to say hi yet. How are you guys liking it? I know this isn't exactly paradise-"

"Mum doesn't want anyone over."

"Oh okay," I said, turning back to my laptop to take notes off of the board.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I picked it out.

Missing something? - Unknown

Who is this? Nova you better not be messing. - Celeste

Someone's got what you're missing. - Unknown

Whoever this is, stop playing games. Stop trying to recreate a yarn horror text story. I don't have time for this. Give it back and stop messing with me. - Celeste

I put my phone back in my pocket and never heard from the unknown number again.

Class was long and tiring, but it eventually finished and I thought I did pretty well. As I exited the class I noticed a clump of people crowded around the entrance of my locker. I looked back after Amelia, but she was power walking away quite obviously. I pushed through the crowd and found Aria and Camille standing at the front. Both of them were pale.

"What's going on? Where's Nova?"

Aria touched my elbow with her hand. "Nova's gone home sick, but don't worry about him now. Celeste you better have a look at this."

My amethyst necklace hung over the lock of my locker. It was covered in dark red, dried blood. Black sharpie was drawn on the front of my locker.

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