Chapter 4 - Gone

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It had been officially 4 days since I hadn't seen Nova. Normally we met every morning and walked to school together. I felt so alone. I mean I had Aria and my other friends, but your best friend is sometimes all you need. When you need them and they aren't there, it feels like someone has ripped off a limb or an important organ that you need. 

My feet scraped the pavement as I followed Mum into the bookshop. My hands were in my pockets, trying to keep warm when it was pretty much impossible. 

"Pick one," Mum said, pointing towards the endless rows of books.

I strolled through the horror and cooking sections and found the John Green books. I know that I'm cliche, but fight me. I like John Green. I picked up Will Grayson, Will Grayson. The only John Green book that I hadn't read yet. I took the book to the counter. Mum wasn't there. Actually the car wasn't even in the carpark. 

"Excuse me," I said to the lady behind the counter, "Do you know where my mum went?"

"Your mum?"

"Yes my mum."

"I don't know your mum," the lady stated like it was quite obvious. She gave me a confused look and went back to reading her book on origami. 

"The lady that was just in here. Come on, you must have seen her!"

"The lady you entered here with didn't even get two steps in. She went to take a call outside and walked off. That's all I know."

"Why would she walk off like that?"

"I don't know! Can you please go away because you're scaring off customers?"

I was so confused. I tried to call Mum. Voicemail. I tried to call Dad. Voicemail. I tried to call Camille. She picked up.

"Celeste, I'm busy. Can I call you later?"

"Mum left me in a bookshop and drove off."


"Mum left me in a bookshop and drove off. She's not answering her phone. She didn't talk to me and now I have to walk home. Can you come and get me? Where are you?"

"I can't I'm with my friends."

"Fine I'll walk. Have fun with your friends."

"Celeste, come on-"

Nobody cared. I walked home by myself.


My legs burned as I made my way up the stairs to the front door. There were still no cars or people around. The front door clicked shut as I walked inside.

Something was different. Very different. The couches were arranged as they always are, the bookshelf weirdly leaning as it always is, the sink full of dirty dishes. The air felt cold and damp. Not the warm and safe air a home is supposed to be filled with. 

I walked over to the couch and laid down. I called Mum again. Voicemail.

"Mum, I have no idea where you are. Can you please pick up?" All of a sudden I was shaking and crying. " me back." I hung up.

I bit my lip and clenched my hands into fists. Come on Celeste. You're not five years old anymore. You'll be fine. 

There was a knock on the door. I couldn't help myself as I ran up to the door. A wave of fear washed over me and I didn't want to open the door anymore. What if it was Mum? My hand clenched the door handle and warily pulled it towards me. 

Standing in the doorway, a face full of pain, was Nova.

Thanks for reading. Sorry for not posting. I just haven't got around to writing a chapter and I know this one is quite short. I promise that the next chapter will come out soon.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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