The Rescue

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Rowan's POV

We've been searching for Aelin for weeks, Gavriel, Lorcan, Elide and I. I can barely stay out of my hawk form, and only shift back when the others say it is utterly necessary. It's like Lyria's death all over again; but worse. Something is there, in my heart, my soul, that wasn't around for Lyria; even though I thought she was my mate. Then Maeve told the me, Aelin and the rest of our court what truly happened. She fabricated the bond, let me put an innocent female in danger. And it was all to break me; so she could collect me, like I was a worthless toy. She would not get away with hurting my lover again. This time she will pay. I let out piercing screech as we all reach the edge of Doranelle, the city of fae.  

Lorcan and Gavriel call to me from the ground, whilst Elide begins to get out two tents; one for her and Lorcan and the other for Gavriel and I. I land on the ground and shift into my fae form, shaking my head, and momentarily leaning against a tree to regain my balance, for I haven't been on the ground for a week or so. 

"Rowan, come over here. We need a plan." Gavriel says to me as I push myself off from the tree. 

"We don't need a plan. I'll go in there, grab Aelin, then get us out." The need to find her; to save her; to stop her pain; to protect as I should have done, as any male must, is strong. She is my carranam and my heart, I cannot, will not live much longer without her. My fireheart. 

"It's not going to be that easy, even Elide can see that, and she is more than 400 years younger than you." Lorcan replies to me. Elide glares at him after this comment, but wisely keeps her mouth shut. We don't need an argument to break out between them again. 

"But this way it is easier, none of you will have to face Maeve again and I can easily rescue Aelin." I shoot back at them both.

"Rowan, don't be stupid, we are making a plan together. Then we will rescue our queen." 

"Fine, Gavriel. But be quick, we're not wasting any time on this."

We all lean in, even Elide, although Lorcan tried to tell her she will not help, he won't let her get injured. It should be me in his place, protecting the one I love from any harm. I will see Aelin soon, though, I can feel it in my bones. 


Aelin's POV

All I can see is black. It surrounds me. Envelops me in its cold touch. I hate it, but I have no choice. To save my land and family, I wil do this. I will carry on going through this, if it means that they are safe. 

I hear a shout from upstairs and I jolt out of my half trance. The door to my iron coffin is flung open, and I blink at the blinding light let in. There is a male there. I know him. He is the one who whipped my back on the beach. Cairn. A new follower of Maeve, a sadistic and brutal murderer, trained to kill and not bat an eyelid. He drags his nail along my neck, leaving the slightest of marks on the bare skin there. His finger then climbs up my neck and flicks my chin. He is silent, playing one of his favourite games. 

"As nice as it is to see you here Cairn, I would prefer to be let out of this coffin. It's a bit stuffy, y'know." I intend my words to come out sarcastic, with a sharp bite to them, but, instead, my voice is tired and hoarse from days of disuse and my tone is soft. 

"As you wish, princess. Or should I call you queen?" He sends back at me, baiting me with his twisted words. However, he does unlock the cuffs around my wrists, ankles and neck. Interesting. 

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