Alone - Part Two

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Aelin, Lysandra and I grasped hands as we watched our mates ride through the ash wood gates at the end of the main carriage way up to the palace. A tear slipped down Lysandra's cheek, and she leaned into Aelin. She had been mated with Aedion two days ago, only for them to be ripped apart again. Aedion looked back once and he must have sent something down the bond, for Lysandra smiled a little, and took a deep breath. Lorcan never looked back at me, but down the bond I felt a gentle caress and his voice blossomed inside of my head.

Goodbye, Elide.

Goodbye, Lorcan.

I'll come back to you soon, I promise.

You always do.

"Come on you two, let's get inside, I'm cold." Our mates had finally fallen out if our line of sight, and Aelin spoke to us, tugging us inside before she had even finished speaking.



"As your queen, I command you to smile, and at least try to stop crying a bit."

Lysandra tries to laugh, tries to smile, but we can both see that her heart is hurting, she is scared to lose what keeps her alive and well. He will come back to her. So will Rowan. And Lorcan. They will, they have to.

We stand in the palace entrance, unsure of what to do next. "Well.. Um.... I think I'm going to go up to my room, I need to write a letter to Yrene, she told me to send her one at least once a week." I say, and, without another a word, I run to my suite of rooms, doing my best not to break down in tears.

I don't know what's wrong with me. I always feel so over emotional these days and can't get a handle on it, they keep flaring up. A wave of nausea sweeps over me, again, and I hurtle for the bathing room. Retching into the toilet, I finally let the tears fall. They stream down my cheeks, dripping onto the floor as I slump down onto the bath mat. I snuffle and my chest heaves, 'I'm going to throw up again' I think. Shakily rising from the floor, I grip the walls and try to get to my writing desk, in the bedroom. At least I have good reason to be writing to Terrasen's best healer. I keep the letter simple, I don't think I even have enough to strength to write a full-length letter to her.

Hoping she won't notice anything is wrong with me, I stumble down the corridor to what is now Aedion's and Lysandra's room and tentatively knock on the door. I can hear Aelin and Lysandra chatting inside, before one of them calls out, telling that they will be a minute. I don't want her to notice that I'm ill, besides she has Lysandra, I'm an unnecessary burden. The door opens I step in, Aelin telling me to take a seat on the massive bed that she and Lysandra are sitting upon.

"What did you want, Elide?" Lysandra asks.

"Could you send this letter to Yrene with your fastest messenger for me, she's staying on the outskirts of Orynth, in a place named, Yew Tree Cottage."

"Of course." Aelin replies. She passes the letter to a sentry outside of her door, and instructs him to take it to the messengers and get it sent quickly.

I suddenly feel dizzy as I get up, and stumble back towards Aelin, trying to manoeuvre myself so that I don't land on top of either of them. I almost lie back onto the bed, and reveal that maybe I am just a little ill, then I remind myself to stop, I don't want to be more of a burden on them than I already am. I get back up again, but Aelin and Lysandra hold me back.

"Are you sure you're alright Elide, you've gone all pale and shivery." Lysandra says. She's right, it's absolutely freezing in here.

"I think we should get a healer up to check on you," Aelin chips in, not letting me protest, "Call, Zafira please, Lysandra, she's the best we have in the castle at the moment, with Yrene gone. Do you think you can stand,Elide?"

"N- no." I say shakily, and Aelin tucks me in her bed as I begin to shiver again. I close my eyes and sleep pulls me under, into a deep slumber.

I can hear voices above me as I blearily open my eyes. The world tilts for a moment, and I jump, scared of the sudden change. Before I can blink it is righted, and I can see familiar faces above me. Aelin. Zafira. Lysandra.

"I'm sorry, my ladies, but may you please leave the room for a little time, I need to be alone with Lady Elide to finish my examinations." Zafira asks politely, head bowed, so Aelin and Lysandra leave me alone with her, shutting the door behind themselves.

"Just stay as still as possible and breath normally. I'll be done soon." She says to me.

I do as I'm told and stay still, as a strange feeling wanders down my body, head to toe, Zafira's hands gently apply pressure to my back, checking every inch of my body for anything wrong. The healer's hands lift off me and I prop myself up on the many pillows scattered onto Aelin's bed.

"I think I know what is wrong, but I will check with Yrene when she gets here, I don't want to get anything wrong."

"Mmhm." I mumble, not are what to reply with,"D- don't tell Aelin and Lysandra, please."

"As you wish, milady."

Before she can speak anymore, there is a knock on the door, and Aelin and Lysandra glide into the room, Yrene in tow.

"I got here as quickly as I could when I got your message, I will discuss with Zafira what she found in private now." She said frankly, and Aelin rushed over, Lysandra quickly following her. I tried to smile at them, but, already tired, I collapsed onto the bed. Aelin played with my hair, brushing it out of my face; Lysandra plumped pillows and tucked me into the covers.

The two healers opened the door, their talk in the hallway evidently over as the pair ushered the others out.

"You may be seeing a bit more of us for the remainder of the year, Elide." Said Zafira.

Yrene carried on, "You're pregnant."



I was carrying Lorcan's child.

The happiest feeling of my life flew through me. 

Thanks for reading! 

Word Count: 1106

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