Chapter One

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  A 25 year old ruby rose was currently in a heist with her husband on the Schnee dust company. she stopped short and looked off in the distance at the glowing cargo

"Hey Roman... what's the glowing thing over there in the cargo?"

"Red, what are you talking about?"

"Look! the cargo is glowing from the inside! I'm gonna check it out!" Ruby said with a grin and ran towards it

Roman shook his head and yelled for her to be careful as he directed a henchman towards the next cargo of dust. He turned back to check in on Ruby to see her jump into the crate.

Climbing inside of it Ruby looked at the source of the glow and muffled out that It looked like a dust crystal.

"Dust crystals don't glow unless someone is using them Red." Her husband said with an amused tone

"I know! Why is it glowing? It looks-" A loud bang sounded through the cargo she was in, and the glowing came to an abrupt start, which startled the red head.

" looks what?...Red?" he asked, his nerves spiking when he didn't get a response from his wife. Roman continued trying to get a response.

"...Red?! Ruby! Ruby can you hear me?! Ruby where are you?! Answer me!" He shouted out in panic.

With no reply he quickly ran towards the cargo she ran into, quickly jumping inside, looking for his wife only to find a dust crystal on the floor and his wife's red glove standing next to it, No Ruby in sight.

"...Ruby? Now's not the time to be playing jokes on me!" he yelled in a panic as he dropped to his knees and picked up the lone glove and crystal

Roman sent a text to Neo that only said 'EMERGENCY' and screamed out for his missing wife


-10 Years into the past-

"RUBY!" A shrill voice screamed out from inside the dorm

"Weiss? Why are you screaming?" Blake asked as she walked into the dorm

"I can't find Ruby and we were supposed to be studying for Prof. Ooblecks test"

"IT'S DOCTOR, MS. SCHNEE" a faint scream from far away sounded causing Weiss and Blake to look towards it, and then to each other.

"How...?" Blake asked Weiss before shaking her head quickly and responding "Forget it, I'm actually looking for my partner too."

"YANGGG" Ruby screamed from outside the door to their dorm which was followed by Yang's loud laughing

"It seems we have found our irresponsible partners, of course slacking off together" Weiss humphed and went to open the door, only for it to open on her face

"Wha- Weiss! Are you okay?!" Ruby asked in a panic

"Get off you dolt! I'm fine! And just where have you been?! We were supposed to be studying today remember?!"

"...Oops?" Ruby said with hesitance and a slight grimace
"Come on Ice Queen, me and Rubes were just-" the tall busty blonde started but was cut off by the grumpy heiress
"'Just' nothing! She can't keep slacking off on our studies!"
"As much as I don't want to do this- I'm going to have to agree with Weiss on this one." Blake stated from her position on the nearest bed

"Wha- Blakey!"

"Yang, we were supposed to train today, remember?" she asked with a serious expression

"Oh... haha... yeah..." Yang laughed nervously

Blake rolled her eyes and motioned her over so they could talk about this matter between themselves, instead of interrupting their two other teammates

"Where on Remnant did you two dolts wander off to?!"

"We went to the cafeteria and while we were there, Nora wanted-"

"Nora nothing! Don't make excuses!" Weiss shrieked, not noticing the bright light coming from next to Ruby.

"Wha?" Ruby asked at seeing the brightness from next to her

"...And furthermore, I-" Weiss began but stopped at noticing the now blinding light coming from where Ruby was at

"What the?!" she yelled as yang and Blake looked over from their conversation to see what the fuss was about, mouths dropping open as they were nearly blinded by the light coming from where Ruby was

"Ruby?! Are you okay?!" yang asked in concern from her spot, trying to figure out how her sister was, as she was not able to see her or move closer to her due to the blinding light coming from her direction. 

"I-I think so? Every time i move this light follows me." she said with an uneasy tone
suddenly the light stopped, the girls felt their eyes attempt to readjust and hear a thud and two groans coming from where Ruby was.

The three teammates rubbed their eyes and looked over to see what happened, but all pausing noticing the woman sprawled on top of their now unconscious leader. What cause their jaws to metaphorically hit the ground was not the fact that she literally fell out of a white light, or that she was on their leader- no, what cause their initial shock was what this older woman looked like.

The woman had hair that reached halfway down her back, it faded from a dark brown almost black to a bright red. She had on a corset, showing off her slim waist and her bigger 'assets'. She had a knee length combat skirt on, a white top on that covered her chest, shoulders, and went under her corset. She had a dark red glove that faded to a brighter red, but the other was missing. What first stopped them though- was the red cloak and confused silver eyes that began to crack open.

The woman sat up and looked down at the weight now resting near her, there she saw a... younger version of herself? She was about to poke the young unconscious girl when a voice caused her to nearly jump out of her skin

"W-Well this is... a thing?" yang said confused by how similar to Ruby this strange woman looked
The woman's eyes snapped towards them, her body twisting towards them in an uncomfortable position. She looked straight at her old team, and with wide eyes stated "Ah, shit"

  It's so awkward writing about older ruby's appearance- the worst part was trying to write how her body matured- I was cringing just writing it ugh... No matter, it was something I felt  would add to the story so I added it despite disliking writing it and cringing at the different types of ways I tried to describe it before giving up and just putting down 'Assets'... Anyways... So, I hope you like the story, and I won't allow flames in the comments of any story- criticism is  welcome but straight out insulting a person, ship, character, or the story in general is not allowed. Be respectful. bye!

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