at ministop-
and i bought all the chickens-
and this girl just-
she screamed at me because i bought all the chickens at there
and her kid was crying because she wanted the chicken so badly-
stOb bullyinG mE becAusE oF thAT
iT wAs jUst a GodDamN cHickEn
anD thEreS anoTher stOrE thAt seLLs chickeN godDamNiT.
iN fRonT-
lIkE biSh
btw- im guessing she fought me about the chicken bcos its raining so goddamn hard and she didnt want the kid to get wet,
but anyways i gave the other chicken box to the kid to make it stop crying-
oh my god.
ik im allergic to chicken but it isnt for me-
it was for my pet pitbull-
it was 6 32 when i wrote this.