this was written at 3 28 am. i have no fucking life.
- " jagi~ i'd give you a chemistry joke but i know you'd give me no reaction"
"hansol stfu"
- lame ass jokes everytime
- takes you to mcdonalds at 1 am
- loves taking pictures of you sleeping
- random butt grabbing
- hyungs teasing you guys
- food trips as a date
- frozen.
- "jAgI dO yOu WanNA bUilD a sNoWmAn"
- showering together
- cuddling while watching youtube
- teaches you how to rap
- " yOu uSeD tO cAlL mE oN mY cElLphoNe "
- visiting sophia
- taking sophia with your mini dates
- stealing his sweater and beanies
- his round glasses.
- back hugs *^*
- neck kisses
- visiting his parents
- cooking with his mum
- being close with jeonghan
- gets jealous easily
- insecure when youre near the other members
- not gonna cook? cereal it is then.
- winning you plushies
- watching titanic and teasing him.
- tickle bitch.
- spoiling you rotten
- sophia tries to steal you.