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Who's It Gonna Be Chapter 1

A beautiful Monday morning at the shrine. The Land God, Lady Nanami just woken up from her peaceful sleep. She rubbed her eyes, yawning. She looked at the time, realizing that she and her familiars should get ready for school...

"Mizuki! Tomoe! Wake up were almost late" she shouted at the top of her lungs. The doors of two bedrooms opened revealing the snake and fox familiar.

"Lady Nanami you don't have to shout that loudly. I am here!" Mizuki said, attacking her with a hug.

"You lousy snake. Get away from our Lady and Mistress. we gotta get ready!!" Tomoe schooled him.

"Your just jealous" Mizuki replied, sticking his tongue out still hugging the Land God.

Then they both started fighting. The next thing that the Land God knew that now she was in a Snake Vs. Fox fight. She was pissed when the two familiars were fighting again, in front of her...

An hour had passed. Nanami didn't even bother to stop them cause she was so bored and a little bit happy that two familiars are fighting over her.

"She's My Lady and Mistress" Mizuki hissed like he was gonna spray venom at Tomoe.

"Don't get that idea you good for nothing snake... She is our Lady and Mistress!!" Tomoe replied at Mizuki with anger and annoyance in his violet colored orbs...

When Nanami heard enough she stood up. Felling and acting angry she shouted...

"Enough!!! Kamisama, why do i always have to suffer with situations like this!" She screamed in anger. Her eyes are like filled with flames of anger. She walked outside the shrine to get fresh air to breath and to leave the two familiars inside.

Onikiri and Kotetsu the shrine spirits followed the Land God leaving the Snake and Fox alone and confused together in a room, where it is now quiet.

Mizuki and Tomoe looked around their surroundings and was shocked cause the room was like hit by a tornado. The furniture's are not on their proper places. Clothes on the floor. And scratches on the ceiling. 'No wonder Nanami is angry' The two familiars thought when they saw the room.

"This is all your fault Snake" Tomoe growled at Mizuki who is now sending glares at him.

"Me? Your the one who over reacted!" Mizuki pouts, pointing a finger at Tomoe...

Tomoe's eyes widen as he realized what he has done. Mizuki was right, it was his fault. 'So... it is my fault. I over reacted, am i that jealous?' Tomoe thought while rubbing his chin with his hands.

Nanami felt the breeze in her brown hair which flows flawlessly with the wind. She was worried cause she has the feeling that she forgot something to do. 'I better go back. Who knows what they did now' she thought as the two familiars fighting scene flashed in her mind. She stood up leaving the Shrine spirits behind...

She walked inside the shrine and was glad at what she saw. The room was now clean and no spot of dirt can be found. Mizuki is watching TV while Tomoe is cooking lunch.

When she looked at time, she eventually remembered what she has forgotten earlier.

"We are so late! Well... I guess we wont be heading to school" she said, mumbling the last nine words that came out of her mouth. Tomoe heard everything that she said even the mumbling part cause he has a strong sense of hearing. He grinned cause he gets to stay at the shrine all day...

Nanami sat down near the TV with Mizuki. He looked at her with sad Snake eyes but she didn't even turn to look at him for she was still upset.

"Nanami... are you still mad about us. I- I mean, we are sorry" Mizuki said still having his sad Snake eyes.

Nanami looked at him happily for she heard the magic words. She hugged Mizuki which caused him to blush a rosy red color.

"I'm alright now. Thanks Mizuki" She said, tightening the hug that she gave at her familiar. He hugged her back of course.

Tomoe saw the scene and glared at his fellow familiar. Mizuki saw his glares. He just smirked, making Tomoe angry as hell.

"Your gonna pay" Tomoe mouthed in anger while Mizuki was still hugging their Lady and Mistress.

Then someone entered the room where the three were hanging at...

Who might it be...    

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