
749 7 0

Gender: male
Age: 14
Background: cancer was originally a famous singer with a twin and was great friends with Virgo. Cancer was burtaly abused by his father. One day cancer, Virgo and his twin sister was under attack. His sister was shot instantly killing her. Virgo on the other hand betrayed him holding him at him point. At this point cancer had nothing left to do but use his power. He's changed his blue eyes into a jade color stopping time and escaped. During the escape process the water signs found him and asked if he could join their team. They join forces with air.
Personality: cancer is quiet but he's serious. He's not emotional. He's extremely unemotional.
Looks: short. Blond hair and blue eyes. Wears one hourglass earing.
Power: time control
How it works: cancer can contorl the flow of time. Similar to Gemini.

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