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Gender: female
Age: 16
Background: Virgo was a famous singer. She was best friends with cancer and his twin sister. One day Virgo was ordered to kill them. She hung out with them and they were attacked. Virgo not wanting  to die she did as she was told. Before she could react cancer's sister was shot in the chest. Virgo was shocked but she contained it and held cancer at gun point. After he escaped she fell to the ground sobbing. The men told her to get up or they would kill her. The earth signs scared off them men and asked her to join the team and joined forces with fire.
Personality: Virgo is a sweet person but she's mischievous. She also is moody.
Looks: long blue hair in pic tails.  Ocean eyes. Tall.
Power: death slice
How it works: slices her opponent in half with one blow killing them

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