Chapter 9

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****DEAN'S POV****

I did it. I told Cas that I loved him, and better yet he said it back! Now I really miss Cas. Thinking about him when I can't see him is torturous. It's Friday night and Cas and I should be out on an amazing date right now, but guess what. I'm stuck at home baby sitting Sam and his friend Gabriel. Even if I wasn't stuck here we wouldn't be going out because Cas is working.


Sam and Gabriel both turned and looked at me, sharing twin looks of confusion.

Maybe I shouldn't have yelled that out loud. Or maybe I should explain.

"Do you guys want some pizza?"

They both shrugged and nodded and then went back to their beloved video game. Whatever. Time to call the pizza place.

"Yes can I get two cheese pizzas and two cherry pies please. Yes this is dean. Ok thank you. Oh and can you send that cute new delivery boy."

Hehe. Now all I have to do is wait. Damn now I have to wait!

"Oh. My. God!!! How long does it take to deliver pizza I'm going to die!"

"Dude it's only been like five minutes."
Sam pointed out while giving me bitch-face number seven. I swear this boy could sell it like freaking perfume. Now presenting Bitch-Face #11! Best to wear when your PMSing all over the damn place.Wow this is what happens when I'm left with nothing but my thoughts.

I heard the door open so I turned around to see Cas standing there in his cute delivery boy outfit. Yum.

"Thank god!" I yelled as I jumped from the couch and ran over to him. I pulled him into the kitchen and put the boxes in his hands on the table.

"Dean you want to explain to me why my boss told me, and I quote, that I had to get my cute little ass to your house and bring you pizza when I wasn't even on delivery tonight."

"How am I going to answer that when you didn't ask but rather stated it. He pretty much summed it up, I wanted to see your 'cute little ass'."

Cas just rolled his eyes and gave me an 'are you for real face' he could sell these faces just like Sam. But Cas would sell them better because he's cuter.

"What am I doing here dean?"

"Oh come on Cas this is perfect. Your the pizza delivery boy and I'm the baby sitter. Duh."

"Do you even listen to your self speak. This isn't a porno and you said it your self, your baby sitting so you will not be doing the incredibly sexy pizza boy on the kitchen table."

"Incredibly sexy pizza boy? That's not what I said."

"I'm paraphrasing." Cas said in his all to cute annoyed tone.

" you mean that table?" I asked teasingly and pointed to the table.

"Yes dean I mean that table." Cas said mocking me.

Cas does not look amused. Hehe.

In one swift motion I pulled Cas to me and lifted him up onto the table.

"Well it's a very nice table." I'm going to be honest I was lost for words, Cas was practically panting and I hadn't touched him yet. I moved in so that there was no space between us and I went for his neck. Kissing and sucking my way up until I was softly nibbling at his ear. I know I was at his sweet spot because he was a moaning mess. Right where I want him. I know I can't actually do him on the table, for one I was baby sitting and Sam and Gabriel were in the next room, and for two its the kitchen table. Come on man that's not right. But the sounds he was making and the way he couldn't breath regularly to save his damn life, almost had me not caring if this was the wrong time and place.

"Could you like not have sex on our pizza. Thanks." I jumped when I heard Sam speak.

Cas turned bright red and ran out of the house.

"Cas wait! I have to pay you!"

A/N: sorry guys I know it sucks and it's pretty short but as I already told you I can't think right now. Oh and I am aware that Cas is only fifteen and
Probably can't legally drive and be a delivery boy but fuck you logic!!!!

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