Chapter One

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Hey guys!! This is my first EVER fan-fic writing, and it is about James Potter and Lily Evans, and how things changed during their last year of school at Hogwarts.

DISCLAIMER: yes, it is MARLENE MCKINNON, not MARILYN. When I first wrote this chapter, I couldn't remember, and then realized it was wrong and ran with it haha. I love y'all, but yes, I know it's Marlene

Light leaked into my room at around 7 o'clock, AM. I slowly opened my eyes, and grinned. I'm going to Hogwarts . . . I thought. I got up, got dressed in a pair of jeans and a red and golden jumper, and black flats.

I packed my things into my trunk, one at a time. My robes . . . my cauldron . . . my books . . . my wand . . . I couldn't find my wand. Oh no, I thought. I looked at my night stand. Nothing. I looked in my bundle of blankets. Nothing. I ran down the stairs and surveyed the kitchen. There it was, at the table, in between the pages of a charms book.

"Morning Lily! How are you? Are you excited to go back to Hogwarts?" My mother asked in a light voice. I took my wand from the book and put the book in the crook of my arm to carry.

"Oh, yes! I can't wait to see Marilyn and Alice! I haven't seen either of them all holiday. I can't wait to catch up!" I said cheerily. She turned and smiled at me, and sighed.

"My girl is all grown up. I can't wait to see you do great things!"

"Thanks mum. Now don't get all mushy with me now." I told her. Petunia had just walked into the kitchen. She scowled at me, and then got herself some cereal.

"Morning Petunia! And how are you this morning?" My mother asked her.

"Fine. I'm going to Vernon's today. I'm having Dad drop me off when . . . she goes to that place again." She informed her. I jogged back up the stairs and into my room. I put everything back into my trunk, and dragged it down the stairs, where my father greeted me, and helped put it into the car.


The trip to Kings Cross was short. On the way, we dropped Petunia off at her boyfriends house. When we got there, I went to get a trolley to put my things on. Once everything was ready, I gave my Dad a hug.

"See you at Christmas! I'll miss you!" I said to him.

"See you. Have a great term!" He said back.

I walked to the platform and walked right into the wall between nine and ten without looking back. The big red and black express waited there, ready for me to board. I pulled my trunk off the trolley and tried to pull it to the train, but it was hard.

After a minute of getting only a few feet, the trunk suddenly became lighter. I looked up and none other than James Potter was there, holding up the other end.

"Have a good holiday, Evans?" He asked me, with a smile on his face. I looked at him in confusion. He had never asked me that before, neither helped me with my trunk.

"Umm, it was fine . . ." I said, still confused. He took my trunk away from me, and pulled it onto the train and into an open compartment. "Thanks . . ." She added.

"No problem. See you later" he said. And he just gave me that smile again. That smile almost made me smile back. Almost.


"Alice! Marilyn! It's so good to see you again!" I screamed at them.

"Hi! It's so good to see you, too! How was your summer?" Alice asked me.

"It was fun. I mostly just got a head start in my books. I read all summer. How are you Marilyn?" I said.

"It was super! I met someone . . ." she said quietly. As Alice is, she just needed to know. Alice loved talking about boys.

She said, "Who?!! Is it a muggle?"

"Yes, but he's so nice! I hung out with him all summer! His about you Alice?" Marilyn asked.

"Mine was great! I owled Frank all summer, and he even came to my house for a couple weeks! I . . . I think I'm in love!" She squealed.

"Speak of the devil," Marilyn said, just as Frank walked into the compartment.
"Hey guys. Can I speak to Alice?" He asked.

"Oh, of course, me and Marilyn have to go to the prefect and head meeting. See ya." I said, and pulled Marilyn along with me.


Once we got there, Remus and James were in the room yet.

"Move along, Potter. This is a head and perfect meeting, nothing for you. Hey Remus." I said, annoyed.

"Hey." Remus said with a grin on his face, looking me in the eye, as if he new something I didn't.

"Haven't you heard? I'm head boy." James told me. My stomach dropped. Oh no, I thought. No, its a lie. He can't be head boy, who in their right mind would make James Potter head boy? I look at his chest and there is the head boy badge.

"Wait, no, that can't be right. Remus? Help me out here." I pleaded.
"It's true. Here's the letter and everything." He said. James reached into his pocket and pulled out a crumpled letter, and handed it to me.

Dear Mr. James Potter,
I am proud to say that Professor Dumbledore has chosen you for head boy. If you would like to decline, send me back an owl so I can chose someone else for the job. Just a reminder, Ms. Lily Evans will be head girl, if that changes your mind.

Minerva McGonagall

My mouth dropped. I looked at Remus, my eyes pleading him to say that this was a fake, that this was just one of James's pranks, but he just smiled and James held out his hand for me to give it back.

"This is a fake, isn't it?" I said to him angrily.

"No, its not, Lily, I saw him read it, I was surprised too, just don't freak out." Remus tried to reassure me, but I still couldn't believe it. Just then, the prefects of Ravenclaw, Huffepuff and Slytherin walked in. And that was the end of it.

Thanks for reading! Please leave some comments on how it was, and be honest and leave suggestions!

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