Chapter Three

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When I woke up, my pillow was on the floor. Wow. I got up an changed into my uniform, brushed my hair, and put on a bit off makeup. When I walked down my staircase, James was at his desk, looking through a book.

"Morning, James." I said. He looked up and grinned.

"Morning, Lily-Flower," He smirked. "And how are you on this fine morning?"

"I'm good. What're you reading?" I ask, looking over his shoulder at his book.

"Its a Transfiguration text book."

"But, we haven't had any classes yet." I say, confused.

"Well, I'm top of the class, next to you of course, and I would like to stay top of the class."

"Don't worry, James. You're very smart with Transfiguration."

"Did Lily Evans just compliment me?" He smirked.

"Maybe I did. C'mon, lets go get some breakfast." We walked down to the Great Hall by our selves, thinking that Sirius, Remus, Peter, Marilyn and Alice will already be there. And they were. Alice and Marilyn gave me funny looks, and I just slightly shook my head.

"Morning." They all said.

"Morning." Me and James said.

"So, how's your common room?" Sirius asked.

"Its almost exactly like the Gryffindor Common room, except newer." James answered.

"What's the password?"

"James Potter, if you tell him the password, I will slap you across the face." I warn.

"Sorry Padfoot, can't tell you." James says, smiling innocently.

"Oh, come on, mate!"

"Nope. Lily-Flower, here, will slap me across the face if I tell you."

"Fine, whatever. Here's your schedules." Sirius hands me and James our schedules, looking annoyed.

"Thanks." We say.

Defense Against the Dark Arts
History of Magic

I look at James's schedule, and its the exact same. I try to hide my smile, but fail. Sirius notices, and raises his eyebrows. I shake my head, but he nods, smirking.

"We should get to class." I say getting up. But, James, Sirius, Remus and Peter decide to say back, so only me, Marilyn and Alice go to potions.

"So . . . are you and James together now?" Alice asks, smiling.

"No! We're just friends. And, that's all we'll ever be. Okay?"

"Okay." We waited out side of Professor Slughorn's classroom for a couple minutes.

"Good Morning, class!" He said. "Come in, come in," Once we all got settled into our seats, Slughorn told us what we would be doing. "You will be brewing The Draught of Living Death. You can find the directions and ingredients on page 10 in your books. Start - now."


"Class dismissed!" Professor Sinistra said, dismissing us for dinner from our last class of the day. I slowly pack up my things, thinking about how much homework I will have, when James comes over to me.

"Hey," He says.

"Hey," I say as we walk out of the classroom.

"So, how was your first day, Lily-Flower?"

"It was fine . . . why are you asking? Not that I'm complaining."

"I just like talking with you." I blush a little when he says this. I talk with Alice and Marilyn at dinner, and decide to show them our common room, but when we arrive at the portrait, it opens to James, Sirius, Remus and Peter there, playing exploding snap.

"James, please don't tell me that you told them the password?" I ask.

"No, I made them put their hands over their ears when I did." James reassures, and I smile.

"Wow. This is really big." Alice says, sitting down on the couch.

"Yeah. It really is like the Gryffindor common room." Marilyn says.

"Do you girls want to play exploding snap with us?" James asks.

"Sure." Alice and Marilyn say together.

"Maybe another time. I have some homework to do-"

"Oh, come on, Lils, you can do your homework later! Come on!" Alice pleads.

"Alright then. But I'll only play for a little bit." I say.


A couple hours later, I'm very tired, so I quit the game, and try to get some of my homework done. Alice, Marilyn, Remus, Sirius and Peter leave. Then, it's just me and James.

"Do you want to talk?" James asks.

"About what?" I say, looking up from Hogwarts: A History.

"Lets just talk. Like I said before, I like talking to you, and now that you, somewhat like to talk to me, I feel more confident."

"Okay, sure. And James, I love talking to you. Never say that I somewhat like to talk to you."


"Well, what's your favorite class, and why?" I ask.

"I like Transfiguration, because, I'm good at it, and it has the best Professor, Minnie."

"Minnie? You mean Professor McGonagall?" I giggle.

"Well, I call her Minnie, because we all call her Minnie. Well, just me and Sirius do. She acts like she hates it, but we know she loves it."

"Well, that's cool."

"And what about you? What's your favorite class?"

"Mine is probably History of Magic or Potions."

"And why?"

"Well, I like to learn things from the past that happened within the Wizarding World, because I'm a Muggle-Born. And Potions because."


"Yup. Just because."

"Cool." We talk and talk and talk, until midnight, I think, that's when we notice the time. But, before we go to bed, James asks me something.

"Hey, Lils, um, will - would you want to go to Hogsmade with me?" James asks. I smile, and say, "Of course James!" I say, giving him a quick peck on the cheek, and sprinting up to my dorm, saying a quick 'goodnight' over my shoulder.


Hey guys! Sorry, I was just re-did this entire chapter, because I was reading it over, and I decided that this chapter before I changed it was really crappy.



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