Chapter 42

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Cadence P.O.V

I have not been able to keep any food down over the past several days. I try to eat light, but my stomach still rejects anything I put in it. I can tell that Josh is worried about me. He has every right to be concerned.

The faucet in the bathroom sink has become my friend over the last few days. After each time I get sick I always splash my face with some cold water and rub some on the back of my neck too. It helps me cool down a bit and eases my suffering.

Cold showers, which were once hellish to me have become more of a blessing. They feel refreshing after an episode of vomiting. Hot water would only make me feel worse.

Sandra stopped by the apartment today while I was sick. I obviously wasn't able to answer. She left a note on my bed saying that she wanted to talk to me as soon as possible. I found it a little strange, especially because she said not to tell Josh.

Josh was at work when she stopped by. I am curious about why she is purposefully avoiding him. Perhaps the whole fight with Mayor Greene has shaken her up about him. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the reason. It actually makes a good bit of sense.

'Sandra and Josh barely knew each other when that happened. They had met a few times, but the only reason they knew each other at all was because of me. Without me stuck in the middle they probably wouldn't even know the other existed.'

I fold up the note and stick it in my hoodie pocket while waiting for Josh to get home. The infirmary isn't normally too crowded, but people are still getting hurt in The Oasis. People get hurt no matter how safe a place claims to be.

'Perhaps Sandra is just worried about me being with someone who acted so violently towards someone else. Or maybe she's worried because this is the first real relationship of any kind that I've had with anyone. She doesn't want me to get hurt. I know that for a fact. She has always been my protective older sister. I know what I'm doing and I know that I can trust Josh. He's the one person I feel like I can trust completely.'

I lie on my bed and stare at the ceiling for a while. There is nothing particularly special about it, but when lying on my back it's really the only thing I have to look at. The apartment is certainly boring without Josh.

After about another half hour or so Josh enters the apartment. He looks a bit tired but still smiles when he sees me. He lays down next to me and pulls me close.

"You okay?" I ask softly, seeing he seems rather exhausted.

"Mm," he hums softly, resting his chin on my shoulder, "it was a long day and I missed you. I would rather be here helping you."

I smile and kiss his cheek. "That's sweet Josh, but I'll be okay in a few days," I reassure him.

"I wish you would go to the infirmary, just to make sure it's not serious," he says, hugging me close to him.

"I'll be fine," I tell him, teasing his hair gently.

He purrs softly and closes his eyes. I know that I'm making him tired. That's what I want. Once he falls asleep the conversation is settled. I am not going to the infirmary.

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