The Force's Blade (Ziall) (Coming Soon)

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I ran as quickly as I could toward the council chamber with my master. We had just received distressing news from one of the Outer Rim posts. My master was quick to react and now here we are. I saw the doors to chamber coming up before my master stopped which made me stop. He spoke quietly with an air of fear about him; something he normally never has.

“Padawan, I know this is a serious matter, so I’m asking politely. Please don’t randomly speak out of turn this meeting.” I nodded at his words before he began heading to the door again. Right as we were about to enter the door suddenly opened causing us to stumble back a bit. Standing in the door was one of the council members and his padawan. I would know the padawan’s face from anywhere because I trained with him when we were younger.

My master regained his balance from the stumble and shook it off. His face held so many emotions, it is a wonder he didn’t explode from them.

“Master Payne, is there something I can help you with?” The council member asked my master.

My master spoke in a hushed voice, “I fear I have grave news for the council,” Was all he said before Tyolis spun around heading back into the chamber leaving his padawan out here with us.

“Padawan Styles, it is good to see you again,” My master spoke kindly to the boy standing before me.

“It is good to see you again Master Payne and you as well Niall,” His voice was deep and he seemed to be honest.

“As with you Harry, though you have to tell me about your adventure in the Outer Rim,” I replied to him and he just stood there with a smile on his face. The council chamber doors opened and revealed Tyolis again.

“The rest of the council will see you Master Payne and the padawans may come as well,” He said calmly, turning in step, vanishing into the chamber. My master followed swiftly after him. Harry and I were quick to follow.

I’ve seen this room many times. It is a beautiful white room with twelve seats that belong to the Jedi Council. The most respected and wisest of us all. To be in the presence of one as a padawan is truly amazing. Being in the presence of all twelve was truly something. While being an apprentice to one was a true honor.


I grew up all my life believing in so many things that we are taught, but one thing I never understood was why I had been picked by Master Payne to be his apprentice. He is on the council and is one of the most respected members. I have so many questions that I always want to ask him, but I never do. The biggest question is why he did choose me.

I remember training when I was younger, he would watch us sometimes. According to our instructor, Master Payne had one apprentice before, who was well on his way to doing incredible things. Master Payne was so proud of him, but without any warning the apprentice vanished. Master Payne never had another apprentice after him until one day he picked me. To say I was shocked would be truly an understatement; even other masters around at the time were beyond shocked. I’ll never know because I’m too afraid to ask.


I felt a small nudge from my right and looked to see Harry looking at me with a worried expression. I’ll be honest when I say I think of Harry as a brother. I raised my hand slightly to let him know I’m okay and his attention returns to the meeting.

“I see Master Payne and you are sure that the outer rim post sent it?” Grand Master Kinoli asked with a sense of doubt. I don’t know how much I zoned out for. Crap.

“I am sure master, but I’m also worried that it was,” He threw his hands up in a gesture to signal what he was talking about. I heard a couple gasps around the room, but no harsh questions or accusations came flying at my master. That’s a first I’ll say.

“You fear it is him?” One of the council members asked from my left to which my master nodded his head at the speaker.

“And why you presume it?” Master Kinoli asked narrowing his eyes ever slightly in an unreadable expression.

“The final word after some screaming, blasting noises and lightsaber clashing was Malik.” 


Let me and Cody know what you think of this? He and I are super excited about this!!

We truly want to know :)!

*Disclaimer- We don't own anything Star Wars or One Direction, but the story idea around them is ours.*

 Thanks to @LizmarielyVega for once again making our awesome cover :D!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2014 ⏰

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