Chapter 3 : Geborgenheit

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The feeling of safety that comes from being with loved ones.


The sharp banging noise interrupted Alastor's quiet afternoon sleep abruptly and he bolted upright instantly, heaving himself off the couch of his apartment. A year of training as an Auror had gained him fast reflexes and a permanent habit of sleeping lightly. He was always cautious, waiting for something to happen. He reached for his wand and held it protectively in front of himself.

The banging came again, and this time, he recognised its origin. He turned to the door and took slow steps, peering through the eyehole to see who his guest was. As an Auror in training, the prospect of being attacked was not unlikely and with his heart pounding, he threw the door open and aimed his wand directly at the knocker's throat.

On his doorstep, stood Madeline, her dark hair flowing freely around her. She was wearing the standard ministry uniform, and so Alastor concluded that she'd just finished her work at the translation office. She was holding a brown paper bag in one hand and her wand in the other, She stared amusedly at his wand, still jabbed at her throat and pushed it away gently.

"Maddy?" He blinked and realising his defensive stance, put his wand back in his wand holster. He stepped aside, allowing her entrance into his apartment, surprise evident on his face. "What're you doing here?"

"Nice to see you too, Al," she said and kissed him on the cheek. She smelled of a wild field of flowers, a scent that was becoming increasingly familiar to Alastor. "Jacobs said you didn't eat. I brought food." she said holding up the paper bag with a grin.

"You're an angel, you are," Alastor said gratefully. She winked at him cheekily in response. "How was your day?"

Madeline moved to the kitchen, dropping her own bag the table and began to unwrap the food on the counter, arranging it on two plates and finishing off with a wave of her wand, warming the delicacies to give off the delightful aroma of freshly cooked food. "Oh not bad. I've learnt a ton of new words in German." She carried the plates over and placed them on the table as Alastor went over to grab the cutlery and the cups.

"You'll have to teach me." He said, and then pulled the chair out for her, bowing. "Milady."

She giggled and sat down without a protest. "Why thank you, kind sir," she replied in poshly enunciated tones. She ate a slice of chicken daintily and leaned forwards. "On another note, were you sleeping before I came?"

"Perhaps." Alastor answered, taking a sip of water.

"Did I wake you up?" Madeline asked playfully, her lips curled up at the corners. She was watching him with crinkles in her eyes and a mischievous expression. Alastor felt his heart skip a beat.

"You did." He replied in response, his voice a little gruff. "But you did me a favour." He murmured offhandedly, reaching out for a spoonful of rice.

     "A favour?" Maddy raised her eyes to his, confusion evident before an understanding settled in her eyes. "The nightmares are back." She stated.

    He said nothing then. Stilled for a moment as if he was going to do something but then returned to his lunch. He posture had stiffened and he looked acutely uncomfortable, clearly indicating a change in subject was needed. He felt a crashing overwhelming wave drowning him and the tell tale signs of sensory overload were kicking in.

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