Chapter 4 : Upplösning

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(n.) Resolution- to face a situation with the intent of resolve.


    There were dozens of unfamiliar coats and cloaks hanging in the doorway of Dumbledore's home. Madeline felt thick cords of tension caging her as she took off her own coal black cloak and hung it on top of another.

    "And Albus didn't say what it was about?" Maddy questioned, her voice weary and ragged, as if stretched thin by all that was happening.

    Arabella Figg removed her own cloak and barely looked at Maddy. Her aura was nervous, her eyes darting around the room, as if expecting the very walls to explode. She shook her head. "No. All they said was to gather the crowd. I was assigned to you."

    "The whole crowd? That's...concerning." Maddy grabbed her wand and followed Arabella through a door, leading into a basement kitchen. There was an eerie absence of light and a mass of people were seated in hastily arranged wooden chairs around a table. Some of the members, Maddy recognised immediately. Caradoc Dearborn, Edgar Bones, Julia Fenwick and a few of her old Professors from Hogwarts.

    Albus was the only one standing, listing names as he chanted aloud. "Penny Lane, 4 dead. The attack on East London. The Muggleborn purge in Northern Ireland and many more. Attacked in quick succession, before they could be reported. Before warnings could be given." He paced in front of the table. "We don't know every individual involved but we do know the main perpetrator-"

    "Tom Riddle." A voice called from the shadows. Madeline looked other. Her eyes slowly adjusting and forming shapes when she recognised Alastor leaning against the cobbled stone wall. She hadn't seen him in weeks. Not after their disagreement. They had both said a few things that neither could take back. Looking at him now, all Madeline could see was his angry stance; she could hear his  vicious words and she could feel the cold rain soaking her as he had stormed out of her house in a fury. Madeline swore under her breath and looked away, trying to melt into her surroundings so that he would not see her.

    He pulled away and joined Dumbledore at the front of the table, who then moved aside. "For those of you don't know me, I'm an Auror. Over the past two years that Riddle has risen to power, we've been tracking his magical signature to no avail. But what we have found is a series of properties bought in his name a month ago. Our best guess is that those are his hideouts."

    He stopped for a moment, his eyes gliding over everyone's in the room before coming to a halt on hers. He stared with such intensity that Madeline could have sworn he could see into her soul. She felt a shiver go up her spine but didn't break the eye contact until he finally looked away.

    "I say we should stake him out. Go in, get him, get out. A simple mission, maybe five people at most," Alastor looked over at Dumbledore for confirmation and received a nod in reply.

    "Simple?" Caradoc interjected. "It's anything but. These properties will be some of the most heavily guarded placed, if our suspicions about Riddle are right." He turned for audience with Dumbledore. "Don't you remember the last time? Six people we lost. And we don't even know what happened to them. They just went missing," Caradoc spat, rising from his seat.

    Missing. The word sent an involuntary ripple through the room as they were all met with the unpleasant memory of the incident. A murder went around the room and Albus raised his hand to silence them. He addressed Caradoc. "I understand the loss of your sister has hit you hard-"

    Caradoc looked furious and opened his mouth but Albus continued. "-but, if we don't take action, more will be served the same fate on a silver platter." He looked away and accosted to the rest of the room. "I suggests a vote. Those for?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2017 ⏰

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