Chapter 2

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He didn't notice a thing and just kept his gaze on the sidewalk until he felt a clawed hand grab his shoulder. A breath of cold air made him shiver as they spoke into his ear.

"My my sweetheart. That hate you're brewing in that head of yours is absolutely delicious."


Wes' POV

I knew that voice, I remembered the school counselor fiasco of freshman year very well.  It had almost caused me to quit the basketball team and everyone knows that no matter the circumstances, if you quit a sport at Caspar High, you aren't getting back on.

"Step away from him Spectra. Now!" said another voice from behind me, their tone warning.

"What does it matter to you freak?" hissed out Spectra as she clutched my shoulder harder, her nails breaking my skin, "Isn't this the kid who spent years trying to give away your secret and making your life harder? Are you sure you don't want me to make him feel as bad as you always do?"

"Get away from him now, and don't make me say it again. You wont like the consequences." Phantom threatened her.

"Well if you insist," she replied, her grip slowly loosening. I sighed in relief just wanting to get out of there and meet Danny at Fenton Works so we could get the stupid project over with, "but on second thought, I think I'll take my chances."

With this she tightly gripped my shoulder again and flung me towards the nearest brick wall. 'This is how I die' I thought to myself as I squeezed my eyes shut. Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around me from behind and then turned us around. Then we hit, and I don't think I'd ever felt more pain than I felt in that moment.

As I got up I felt the arms release from around me and turned to see Phantom searching for Spectra as he pulled himself out of the pile of rubble the collision had made.

"Don't touch me freak," I said while sending him a glare.

"Well I'm so sorry," Danny rolled his eyes, "next time I'll make sure to just let you hit the brick wall and die while I go catch the ghost."

His sarcasm was not appreciated and only made me intensify my glare, "I'll meet you at your house in an hour. That should give you enough time to do your damn job and catch the ghost you let get away."

With that I walked off towards the park with an aching shoulder to kill some time.

^^^time skip to Mordor^^^

As I approached the building with the large glowing sign an hour later, I came to a realization. This would be the perfect way to find physical evidence of Danny Fenton being Danny Phantom. I was going to be in his room, there had to be some kind of photos or videos in there that I could show to the people at school. Then they would have to believe that I'm not crazy, not even the A-listers could be that stupid.

With my plan set in my mind I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer it. I didn't have to wait long as I soon heard the thundering footsteps that could only belong to Jack Fenton.

"Hello there sonny, can I help you?" he shouted, or rather spoke for this was his only volume.

"Uh, yeah. Danny and I have to work on a project and he told me to come over so..."

"Oh, wonderful! Maybe this can help him get his grade up. He's not exactly the brightest in the bunch," exclaimed Mr. Fenton as he led me inside, " just upstairs second door to the left."

As I made my way up the stairs I thought about what Mr. Fenton had just said. Why would Danny need help getting his grades up? I'd heard him talking to Sam and Tucker about things beyond my level, so I knew the kid was smart. 'Probably just being lazy' I thought to myself as I opened the door to his room.

"Oh shi-"

Hey guys don't kill me but guess what. After I got back from camp I forgot that I was writing books. Then I remembered and when I was about to start back up my computer charger broke. I still haven't had the chance to get a new one and I absolutely detest writing on my phone but this was
already written so I decided I'd post it for you guys that actually read this.


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