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"Tell me, have you ever kept a secret with the power to destroy a world? Because I have."

Atara, Merc, Cal and Lilith thought that getting home would be the end of it -- all the mystery and the fear. But they've stepped into a world teeming with secrets and lies, one where Atara's secret is probably the most dangerous of them all. And if you think you know it, you can think again. Bonds will be tested, trust will be broken, and everything will be questioned. And when the truth finally does come out, they'll find that nowhere -- and no one -- is safe.

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Come in, mission control, we have a sequel of indeterminate length and contents incoming. Over.

Understood, we're seeing the same thing. Calculated time of impact? Over.

Unknown, sir. Maybe a week, maybe a month. Could be February. Permission to rage at author? Over.

Permission granted.

HI, IT ME. I HAVE A TITANS SEQUEL 4 U (ALMOST). I know I estimated January in the comments, but I'm pushing back another month because I haven't done as much planning as I'd have liked.

But I thought I'd be nice and at least give you guys a synopsis. This book is gonna be formatted a lil' differently to the first. Say 'so long, farewell, au revoir, etc.' to poetry and interviews. Instead, chapters will be prose and I'm gonna be alternating chapters with documents (think copies of emails, instant messaging transcripts, reports and official documentation, maybe even some diagrams??). Anyway, I think that's what I'm gonna do but it could change at any moment, lets be real.

While you're waiting for the first chap tho, why not drop your thoughts/questions/rage into the comments below.

Much obliged,

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