Chapter Twenty Six- Home

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Jay didn't believe in fate, or any other concept relating to predestine. It was too convenient. Besides, He couldn't account for the fact that the universe would put him in such horrible situations as if they were meant to happen, as if they were meant to make him a 'better person' later. If fate existed, it was cruel and unruly. But, it had brought him love, it had given him Ash. It had brought him to a faraway land on a crazy adventure to rescue his lover, and although it had taken a toll on him, physically and mentally, he would do it again (But hopefully he wouldn't have to).

This was what he thought of as he woke up on Monday morning, before his partner, who was sleeping closely next to him. They were catching a plane in a few hours. He rolled over onto his side, facing Ash, whose face was smooth and blank as he slept soundly. He gently pushed a thick curl from the sleeping man's face, revealing his half hidden right eye. Feeling Ash's warm, steady breath on his hand he sighed quietly. Do I deserve him?

Although he had got this far, the unknown nature of the future plagued him again. Once they got on that plane, once they landed again back in their city, what then? Would life resume as it had been before? Was that Normality? But, this week had changed a lot. He knew a lot more about Ash, and his flaws; his own 'dark' past. Did he trust him? Could he trust him not to leave again?

Amongst the myriad of pressing questions running through his mind like heavy rain, his conscious plagued him with darker thoughts. Of all the romantic movies and books he had consumed as a child and teenager, most portrayed the positive side of love, 'the perfect relationship'. The problems were always solved, the outcomes benefited everyone and happiness resulted. But he knew this wasn't true, he had heard it in Tahlia's voice when she heard about Ash disappearing. It was a tone of surprise, but also knowing. There was an innate understanding that this was what happened, it was nothing new. Relationships ended all the time, even when they seemed perfect on the outside.

People may cry and lament the end, but soon they will move on, and a new beginning is found. It was frightening, the cycle of life and love. They were only in the initial stages as well. However, they had seemed to move so fast beyond those initial stages in the space of four months. Was that their downfall? What was their place in this cycle?

Stop it now, he commanded internally, who cares what the future is? All that matters is now, and right now you are happy.

He heard a sound of movement from beside him and he opened his eyes. He was greeted with full and shining ocean eyes, half lidded but swimming with liveliness. Dark mauve lips pulled into a sleepy smirk, Ash located his lover's hand and pulled it to his bare chest, letting their joined hands rest at the warm centre above his heart. Bliss was easy to fall into in these moments. It was then that Jay noticed his eyes were filling with tears. When had he become a crier?

As if he could hear the damaging thoughts that swarmed in Jay's mind, Ash leaned in to brush his soft lips against Jay's rosy cheeks and wrapped his arms around the man, pulling him close. Their bodies pressed softly together and Jay's forehead pressed into his lover's neck. He let his eyes close again. The aura of calm washing over him suddenly felt somewhat...orchestrated, but he didn't question it. Ash always seemed to be able to read him as if his thoughts and emotions had been spoken aloud. Was that what made Jay love him so much?

After a rather rushed breakfast, as they had spent much longer than they should have in bed, they moved all their luggage to the teleport room. They had decided it would be much easier to go by magic means than it would have been trying to organise transportation to the airport, which was several hours away. 

Jay was assured by Ash, his sister, and his mother that the distance would not do him any harm. He trusted them, but still, a pang of uncertainty surged through him as they moved about the room in preparation. Ash's mother was teary, requiring several begrudging hugs from her son and his partner before they could leave.

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