One More Light

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Every memory we share is a light.
Wether it be a burning flame or a soft glow,
They all share the moments I know.

My mind shutters like a camera flash,
Capturing you in time.
I won't forget you.
I don't want to forget you.

I'll remember the small details that make you smile.
I'll remember the words that hurt.
The ones that make you laugh.
And the ones that pull you closer.

I'll remember the distance.
But also the joys that bring us together.
Every moment I hold you,
And every moment I call you mine.

I'll remember the cheesy way I said hello,
And the spoken words that made you fall in love.
I'll remember the first time the words fell from your soft lips.
The moment when we knew.

I will remember each light.
Each memory.
Each moment.

I will remember the time when there was no light.
Just a cold, empty night.
Because you are the one I want to share my light with.
Even after the shadows drift us apart.

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