Was It Even Real To You Baby?

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They warned me about you.

The way your eyes dance with the starlight

The way your lips started fires that danced on mine.

The way you moved with the shadows,

Calling them your home.

They warned me.

But I fell anyway.

I fell in love with your troubles.

With your mindless actions.

With the late night thoughts

And the late night love.

I fell in love with you.

But they warned me.

And I should have listened.

Your eyes cold and heartless.

Soul gone and forgotten.

Your lips flushed with hate.

Once a gateway, now a plea.

They burn me.

You no longer move with the shadows

As you became one to me.

Oh did they warn me!

Your troubles are now old and weary.

Your actions I now no longer trust.

Your thoughts attack me

Like a dog off its leash.

I don't want to hear your voice.

The voice that once spoke the lie,

I'll love you til the end of time.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2017 ⏰

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