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Chapter 7

A Big Rescue 


Raven's POV

I fly forward to a flying Gordanian ship a few miles ahead. I could see two Gordanians holding her and taking her to a black room. I went around and follow them but another one caught me. I kicked him in the shin and and shot him with dark energy. 

I went inside and I saw Garfield in the other corridor. "Garfield!" I called his name to get his attention.

He turned his head toward me when he heard his name. "Yea, Rae?"

I said "I saw a few Gordanians take Star to a back room. Go get Robin and Cy."

He hesitated, and asked "But what about you? Are You sure you'll be fine?"

I replied, urgency evident in my voice "Yes, Garfield, I'll be fine, Now, Go!"

I went inside the back room, where I find Starfire chained to the ceiling.

"Starfire, are you okay?" I say in worry.

"Yes, friend Raven. I am quite the alright. Will you free me from these chains? They cause me full of pain". Starfire answered.

I giggle. " Alright Star, stay still for a minute."

I raise my hands and I concentrate.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos"

Immediately, black light surrounds the chains and in a second, they break  and fall on the floor. The sound alerted the gordanians outside. Within minutes, hundreds of gordanians went in and surrounded us. Me and Starfire fought them  off. One got me cornered and before long, The wall was destroyed and I was thrown off the ship. 

I landed in an island 200 meters below. A small island. Not big enough for a town or a city, but big enough for a tower or a few houses. I got up, dusted myself then flown to the direction of the Gordanian ship. 

When I landed on the ship,  I saw hundreds of Gordanians surrounding Starfire some are  holding her down. I used my telekinesis to find Cyborg. then I used my powers to talk to him telepathically.

"Cyborg, go find the control room and try to bring this ship down"

Without waiting for his reply, I used my powers to help Starfire. together, with our powers, her starbolts and my magic taking down most of the army when suddenly, I felt the ship lose its balance and I heard the ship creaking.  I gave Robin, Cyborg, starfire and Beastboy a warning telepathically. Then I levitated out of the ship. When I looked around, I was falling in the air. The last thing I saw was the ship exploding in the air. Then I saw darkness.

When I woke up, I felt a hand stroking my hair.

Then, a familiar voice spoke, "Cyborg, are you sure Rae's ok? Its been 5 minutes!".

Cyborg replied, "Sheesh, B, your girlfriend's fine"

I opened my eyes and sat up  immediately then both me and Beastboy spoke at the same time:



All their heads whipped in my direction when they heard me speak, shock evident in their faces.

It was surprising to me that Garfield got over his shock first, and smiled at me. " Its good to see you're okay, Rae".

I was about to reply when Robin cleared his throat. A tick mark unconsciously appeared in my forehead. Robin smirked. "Not to break the mood here, but, where are we?".

I stood up and looked around, my cape and leotard fluttering as the wind breeze came by. I noticed that I'm in the same island i fell in a few minutes (or hours?) ago.

"I think we're in one of the islands that surrounds the main island, the capital city of Azarath".

"Wait, islands? I thought B described this as one floating island?", Cyborg asked as his head spun dramatically.

"We may be in another dimension, but our terrain is similar to that of Eaeth. The main island, is the capital city for Azarath. But there are many islands surrounding the capital. The population of an island depends on the size of the island", I explained

"Hold on, that attack we just dealt with, I'm guessing that dosent normally happen?", Robin suddenly asked, a thoughtful expression appeared in his face.

A dark look crossed my face, "No. But when Queen Azar died, Azarath's enemies often attacked us".

"Who defends Azarath, then? Surely that can't just be you job?!", Robin asked.

I didn't reply. But apparently, my silence is enough of an answer to them.

"So that's why you often looked worried or exhausted when i dreamed about you after Azar's death!", Beeastboy realized.

We were in silence for a few moments. Each of us thoughtful yet not knowing what to say. When, suddenly, Starfire broke the silence,"We'll do the helping of you, friend Raven!"

"Yeah! Rae, you can't possibly do this alone for a long time! Let us help you!", Cyborg agreed.

"Thanks, Guys. But you don't have to do this. I---"

I was cut off by Beastboy, he pulled me closer to him and looked into my eyes,"You're right. we didnt have to do this but we want to... and we will. You won't be alone anymore, Rae".

"Yeah! Wait, If we're gonna be superheroes, we need a cool name!", Cyborg announced.

"How about....Super Fighters?", Beastboy suggested.

"No", Cyborg refused with a disgusted face.

"Kickers of the butt?"

"Um, no, star"

After a while of thinking, Cyborg broke the silence.

"I got it! The Teen Titans!"

Robin spoke,"So that's who we're gonna be, huh? Awesome".

I smiled, "I couldn't agree more"

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