Chapter 3 (*u*)/^ "M"

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Dedicated to the awesome Nanda Samaroo XD

What do Heriotza and Jonathan have in common...........ME!


Okay well uhm...yeah this is my story....

or well my story before my story....

(o.0) okay you know what I mean right?

Okay fine -

This is the not so secret life of the amazingly awesome

one and only

Great ****Heriotza Silverthorne********

insert applause from overly emotional fans.

Yes I am that Awesome.

So to start of you want to know how I was born right?

No.... well  (t - t )/^ it's okay I rather tell you about my life so far.

Which it isn't much....just about 159537.8 hours or 18 years and two months give or take, since everyone was too distracted by my awesome birth to remember to fill out a birth certificate or remember the date for that matter... (* ~ *)

So I will start out by saying ;

I can't remember much from when I was a child.

The things I do remember I wish I hadn't.

I was an only child.

My parents were beyond well off but they never flaunted it. Our house was average. My parents obviously weren't. They were however deeply in love. They were also murderers. Actually that was their job.

They were some of the best. (-_-)

However their seven year old daughter who they believed to be a boy was not. I was not. I was not who they wanted me to be. In fact they decided against any more children lest they be more like me.

I was trained (since I went to live with them in the amazon)  to kill but I was more interested in sleeping then putting someone to sleep. My first experience -though hazy- wasn't the best, then again I don't think you could have a good experience killing someone.

My mother thought at eight years old that it was certainly my rebellious phase. So I learnt to complete whatever task they had given me in the shortest time possible. That didn't make me a pro actually far from it. Not that I could help it when I had some of my fathers genetics, or well mostly his.

I obeyed my grandmothers rules as I still do;

1) Don't let any one know you at your best

2) Don't let anyone know you

3) Never ever end up like my parents

and lastly

4) Kill whoever hears my name

Okay for the fourth I'll be generous, I'm wayyy to lazy to kill 6 billion people just because of my awesome name. Well the other three I am hopefully still keeping. 

Two months later my parents were so not proud, or at least I was doing better by my fathers standards.

It was around that time that my parents didn't know what to teach me anymore or more like how to teach me. They honestly didn't know what to do with me.

That's when my father thought up a brilliant plan- why not scare the sleep right out of me.

My mother thought he was a genius (not for the first time).

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