Contest Results!!!

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Thankyou to everyone who participated!!!!!!!!!!! I'm very incredibly thankful!

1st Place:  Nikkiistheverybest

Very realistic and accurate interpretation!! Nice work!!

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Very realistic and accurate interpretation!! Nice work!!

2nd Place: Tied between eridanamporascience8 and SergeantSprinkles

2nd Place: Tied between eridanamporascience8 and SergeantSprinkles

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In the end I couldn't decide between these two!!! I liked the colours and designs of both too much, good work! You will both receive 2nd Place prizes

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In the end I couldn't decide between these two!!! I liked the colours and designs of both too much, good work!
You will both receive 2nd Place prizes.

Due to a tied second, there is no third place.

4th Place: _random101_ (im pretty sure this is youuu)

4th Place: _random101_ (im pretty sure this is youuu)

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Nice work on your entry!!!!!

Prize Reminders:
1st : Full Digital Work + Lined Traditional + Shoutout + Follow
2nd : Flat-coloured Digital + Detailed Sketch + Shoutout + Follow
3rd : Due to the removal of third, I will be bumping _random101_ 's prize up to third place level. Lined and Coloured Traditional + Sketch + Shoutout + Follow


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