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My Omni always said that we should count the blessings that Allah gave us by prayer, and we are supposed to learn from our mistakes by reading the Qu'ran. I know its sounds silly, but I still follow that every day. Even if its not true, it really doesn't matter to me. Not right now anyway.

I enter the mosque, quietly, and see a new person there. Not the usual really, really, quiet person I see there almost everyday. This boy is very young and he is not wearing very appropriate clothes for the mosque, but he stands solemn and somehow I feel like he is a very devout Muslim.

He appears kind of serious, not that is bad or anything, because it isn't, not at all. Then I remember what I was taught by Omni, to lower my gaze to men and I am not doing that. Going directly against her teaching. I am drug back to a memory of when I was younger, maybe 6. It was time for me to learn how to properly pray, because I was not even performing wudu before I prayed. After she taught me, she told me never to pray without performing  wudu ever again. But one day, I got really mad at her for trying to fix my hijab, when I had just worked 30 minutes getting it perfect. So that day, to get back at her, I didn't perform wudu before I prayed.

Afterwards, My Omni didn't even notice. I just felt really bad. So that day, I went to my Omni, for guidance, to help me with my patience. She told me to go apologize to Allah for my sin.

After that, I tried to follow every rule my Omni set for me, no matter how hard it was for me to follow.

I was breaking rules, Oh my goodness I feel like this is going to get bad quick.

Question: What is your favorite sunnah?

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