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I approached my Papa, don't cower in fear when you see him I reminded myself. it only gives him power. 

"Papa, How are you?" I tried to say as normally in possible in Arabic, but I started stuttering. Papa gave me a look of shock and anger all mixed into one.

"I'm here to greet your Ommi, they called and told me that she was in surgery and that she wasn't doing so hot.."

"They called you?" I asked questiongly 

"Yes, Why else would I be here? I don't care about you or your Ommi, you two could go die in a hole and I'd be fine with it, but I was told if she kicked the can. I would be the one having to tak care of you.

"You would? but Papa I'm 14, almost old enough to go to the Islamic school."

"I don't give a crap about your precoius Islamic school, all you guys is not tell truth about Allah's word."

"Papa, let's not talk about that"

"What the heck should we talk about then? How you dissapered in the night and I never n=knew where you guys went? Or should we talk about how you fled to America, instead of staying in Iraq? What do you want to talk about?" He said his voice getting louder and louder. People were starting to look over to us and I was getting uncomfortable with him yelling at me.

"Papa, please don't yell. I know you are stressed out and I am too, but if we choose anger we are not following Allah. We are supposed to be peaceful."

"I don't want to be peaceful" He said yelling at the top of his lungs, I didn't think he could get any louder. A security guard walked over, somebody must have saw the fighting and been concerened. 

"Is there a problem over here?" He said distastefully, looking at my hijab. 

"No sir, my father and I were just arguing."

"I'm going to have to ask the older gentlemen to leave, I know you have a concussion young lady and you're under a lot of stress and having a man yelling at you, is not helping at all." the security guard said giving my shoulder a quick pat, as if to reassure me that he was on my side.

"Thank you sir." As I watched the security guard grab Papa.

Melody just walked quietly behind him, careful not to make any noise to annoy the beast that was Papa.

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