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"Ommi, I'm sick" I say using my best "sick" impression, because goodness gracious I really don't want to see Amal today, because its going to be really awkward, and I'm already awkward enough on my own, I really don't need help.

"just take Ghusl Hayd  and I'll go get you a warm water  bottle" Ommi says impatiently with little embarrassment in her voice, though she should for what she just said to me..

"Ommi, I don't need to say Ghusl Hayd yet.." 

"Oh, well then you can get your bottom out of bed, Leni. Don't be a couch potato."

"But I'm not on the couch."

"Then don't a sarcastic meanie to your mother."

"But what's the fun in that?"

"Hijab. Now." She said tersely and walks into my bedroom and picks up the bedsheet i'm folded in, and sets in on the ground gently. "And I helped you, now wake up. You have 20 minutes before you have to be at school, and you know what happens when you get a tardy at that school. Automatic Detention, and you're scared of the people there, because they pull your hijab, and you have to help Amal around school anyway. So, no chance that you're going to miss school."

"Yes, Ommi" I guess being an asshole to my Ommi dosen't really work with her anymore.. So sad. 

"LENI" Ommi suddenly yells and I run over to her, tripping in the process  "help me up please, Leni, I'm sorry I yelled at you, I'm sorry I yelled at you,  Allaahumma anta rabbi laa ilaaha illa anta alaika tawakkalta 

wa anta rabbul arshil kareemi ma shaa Allahu kaana wamaa lamyasha'lam yakun wala haula wala quwwata illa billahil aliyil azeem a'lamu annallaha alaa kulli shayin qadeer wa annallaha qad ahata bikulli shayin ilma Allaahumma innee aaoozubika min sharri nafsi wa min sharri kulli daa abbatin anta aakhizum bina siyatihaa inna rabbi alaa siratim mustaqeem" my mom continues to say in Arabic

"I can't help you up Ommi, It hurts" 

"Get up, Leni Please"

But I can't.

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