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Obioran pronounced Obeeo-ran.

At that very moment, he was her only chance for survival.

"Well, Virid, what's next?"


Virid shot her a smile because he had seen many humans that were thrown into this world. He had learned from his many years in this place that the world was called Obioran, a place branching off the dimension that housed The Earth and all of its inhabitants.

It amused him to see humans coming into Obioran, the shock they displayed was not unlike that he showed when he first arrived. Still it brought him great amusement to see the confusion and discomfort in others.

"I don't know. We will never find the Fair-folk that was taken by the Empress' hunting fox. That poor fella is probably already someone's breakfast," Virid said, a sad tone taking over his once optimistic sound.

Emma stood from her spot on the ground, again brushing herself off, "What is this place called?" Emma asked, glancing around at the large plate sized, silvery leaves that shaded the whole forest.

"Obioran, is the name of the planet or dimension, so far as I know. This forest is known as The Solitary Forest, meant to be inhabited by Fair-Folk only," Virid watched as she wandered in circles, almost losing her balance, just trying to take in her surroundings.

"You shouldn't be here," his words took a deep, ominous turn.

Emma looked back at him, a smirk forming on her lips at his sinister tone, "Then neither should you. Why have you come to The Solitary Forest anyway, Virid?" She questioned him accusingly, turning to face him. She placed a hand on her hip and pointed at him with her other hand.

Virid smiled and looked away from Emma, he began to walk around her, "I'm here for you, Emma Wright."

Her arms fell at her sides. She never considered that this wasn't just a coincidence. How did he know her name? A shot of concern bolted through her. Stay calm. Don't let him get the best of you. Breathe.

As he walked around her, he took in every detail, from her dirt-smeared, faded grey sweater and sky blue jeans, to the dirty shoes she wore, that were covered in leaf chips and dust from her time spent in the forest.

He stopped in front of her, "I sensed you," he whispered.

Her eyes opened wide at his confession, what did he mean he sensed her? Was he a magical being, sent by some cruel 'lord' of this world to kill her for being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

After a few moments staring into each other's eyes, Emma's gaze was broken by a leaf that fell and grazed her hand on the way down.

"What do you mean, you sensed me? What does that even mean?" She whined, stopping herself when she heard the childishness in her tone.

She took a second to breathe deeply, feeling her pulse slow, she needed to calm down.

"You know what, it doesn't matter right now. I want to trust you, mainly because you are the only human I have seen here. How do I know that I can trust you?"

Virid smiled wide. Her whining was annoying, but she could really straighten herself out well, "You don't know that you can trust me. Even so, I will try to make this decision easier for you." His eyes narrowed to slits. He stared into her eyes, "Either you come with me now or fall victim to the legend of the Fair-folk and have your soul drained."

He brushed his hair back. The white strand bounced back in defiance, "It's your choice."

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