The Abandoned Terrain

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Virid smiled wide, her whining was annoying, but she could really straighten herself out well, "You don't know that you can trust me. But, I will try to make this decision easier for you." His eyes narrowed to slits, he stared into her eyes, "Either you come with me now or fall victim to the legend of the Fair-folk and have your soul drained."

He brushed his hair back, the white strand bounced back in defiance, "It's your choice."


Virid waited for Emma's response, "No matter what choice you make, I have to leave. So please make up your mind," he begged.

Her decision may as well have been made for her, with the legend that Virid had spoken of and the Fair-folk's leader being so rude, she had to leave with him.

"Fine, I'll come with you," she stated reluctantly.

He turned and began walking without another word.

Emma tripped and stumbled as she tried her hardest to keep up with his quick pace.

"Hey, can you wait up. I'm not trying to slow you down but the least you could do is walk with me, instead of running ahead of me," she snapped.

Virid shot her a look of annoyance, "I'm not running, you're just really sluggish," he slowed to a crawl waiting for her to catch up.

Emma gave a weary look, "I'm tired."

Virid shaded his eyes from the sun and smiled, "We're almost at the edge of The Abandoned Terrain," he pointed ahead to a field of resplendence.

The colour that radiated off of the large field was flabbergasting, "This is where you live," Emma asked in disbelief.

Virid proudly surveyed the land before him, "Yep, it used to belong to the Mau Royal family. When they relocated to the Emerald District to rule over the animal kingdom. Humans that found themselves on Obioran congregated here."

Emma wanted to assault him with a million questions but chose not to incase her actions pushed him away. She would not survive on her own, she needed his help to find out why she was brought to Obioran.

"How long have you been here?" Emma inquired.

Virid shook his head, "It doesn't matter, I don't think time works the same here as on Earth. For all I know if I went back it would be only a minute after the time I left," Virid said with a shrug.

Emma was captivated by Virid, he spoke like nothing bothered him but the fatigue showed in his every action.

"You don't wonder if anyone misses you at home?"

He scrunched his brow and looked into her eyes, "You only remember your home for so long."

Virid's eyes widened as he glanced up into the sky, "RUN!" He shouted at Emma.

He reached for her hand and began to pull her in the direction of the brightly coloured field.

"What's going on?" Emma asked in an annoyed tone.

She looked up where Virid had just been looking to see a massive purple ball of electricity falling from the sky.

She turned and ran next to Virid until they were well hid in the longest grass in the field. Like grass would protect them from giant energy cannon balls.

They stayed low in the grass until the energy balls burned the grass and their surroundings. They hit the ground shocking everything within a short distance and then fried the area and disappeared.

Emma laid down in the grass once the purple ball of light dissipated, "What was that?"

"Those were energy blasts. The Mau family knows you were in the forest," he said while standing to gauge the damage caused by the electricity bomb.

Before either one could say anything else a cerulean ball of light flew over the woods.

Virid's eyes widened, he latched onto Emma's arm and nearly dragged her further into the field.

The ball of light struck the spot where they had shielded themselves. The grass caught fire and a large circle of the field was burnt to a crisp. If Virid hadn't relocated the two they would surely have died from the electricity bomb.

Emma panted, "Why are they attacking us?"

"I told you we weren't supposed to be in the forest, this is why," Virid shot back angrily.

Emma crossed her arms across her chest, "How was I suppose to know?"

Virid shook his head and turned to face Emma, "Well now you know. I can't always guarantee your safety Emma."

Emma huffed and followed behind Virid as he walked further into the field, "I don't need your help," she stated defiantly.

Virid stopped walking, "If you don't need my help than I guess I won't bring you to meet the other humans."

Emma panicked for a moment, she looked up to see a teasing smile on Virid's lips.

"No, I'm sorry," Emma apologized, "I'm just tired, it's making me say stupid things."

Virid cackled, "We're almost there," he pointed to a tiny patch of trees, unlike the woods on the other side of the field these trees were vibrantly coloured.

"It's just up here."

They stepped out of the grass and into the wooded area.

A group of people were standing next to a fire pit cooking skewered animals over the flames. There were a few people practicing their aim on the trees with crossbows.

Each person was clad in torn, dirt smeared clothing, with grass stained shoes and mudd caked faces.

Images of animals and fair-folk were carved into the trees that were being used as target practice.

"This is The Abandoned Terrain, this is home," Virid proudly announced.

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