The Empress

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The bright orange fox, with a black and white stripe on his tail, ran freely through the bushes. Swiftly avoiding fallen trees and traps, set by the humans in hopes of catching anything from The Emerald district.

The place where only the most important beings on the planet could claim to live, his home. He couldn't wait to get home and show Chione, The Empress of The Emerald District, what he was lucky enough to snap up. His mind wandered as he pranced, ever so delicately through the heavily wooded area.

When he reached the edge of the woods he lifted his nose into the air. Ignoring the stench from the Fair-folk he still carried in his mouth. He sniffed deeply, catching the scent of flowers, trees, grass.

A touch of lavender and calendula snaked its way into his nostrils. "Chione!" He shouted joyfully, leaping into the air, hoping to catch a glimpse of her silky, caramel-coloured coat.

A strong breeze rushed over Chione's face, her whiskers twitched ever so slightly. Her teal coloured eye highlighting the green flecks that circled her pupil. The wind blew through Chione's fur, each hair lifting and moving as it washed over her. Her moments peace interrupted by her hunting fox' cries for her.

Suty, the orange fox was a good boy. He was always loyal to the Mau family, also known as the royal family. Chione and her kin were known as the Mau family. The royal blood line that governed all of Obioran, they were magical beings that could live forever.

Suty followed the scent to a large tree in the middle of the open field, if not for the hill directly beside the tree he would have seen her when he emerged from the woods.

He trotted proudly up and over the hill toward Chione, "plah.." he spat the Fair-folk out, cringing from the pungent aftertaste.

Chione clapped her paws together, producing faint tings from her nails touching, Suty's eyes lit up at the site of his Empress happiness.

She picked the Fair-folk up by its tail and placed it gently in a leather satchel that hung over her shoulders, resting on her back.

"You did very well, Suty. Thank you." Chione said, running her claws through the fur that lined his face. Her other paw touching the large pendent that she wore around her neck, something she never took off.

Suty's eyes closed, feeling her nails in his fur was the best part of his day. She was the best Empress, The Emerald District could ever ask for, he thought.

Suty's thoughts turned to the woman that chased him in the forest, "It's getting really dangerous out there, m'lady. A woman ran after me when I took that Fair-folk, I haven't seen a skin-bag in those parts in a long time." Suty declared.

Chione furrowed her furry brow, the humans had agreed to avoid the forest at all cost's. This peaked her curiosity, what were they doing hanging around the Fair-folk?

The legend that was told to the humans of the Fair-folk being soul-suckers was just something to keep them from asking questions. No one could ever know the true reason for the Fair-folks drained energy and powers.

Chione closed her eyes tightly, fighting a tear that perched itself in the corner of her eye. Suty can't see you as weak, toughen up Chione! Her inner voice sounded like a boot camp instructor.

She was the Empress, everything she did needed to be perfect, completely flawless. She couldn't show her loyal subjects see the side of her that cried every night from the horrific memories that plagued her.

Chione needed to lead her people in the best way she knew how, through teamwork and strength. Everything she did was for the safety of her people, they trusted in her and she would never let them down.

"Is everything ok, Empress?" Chione opened her eyes, looking down at Suty, a look of sadness across his face.

"Everything is just fine, Suty." She lied, he must have seen the different emotions pass over her as she thought about her own issues.

Chione placed her hands on Suty's shoulders, looking deep into his brown eyes, "Go home Suty, relax. Bask in the knowledge that you did a good job today."

She draped her arm over his shoulders and then pushed him lightly in the direction of the district.

"Don't worry I'll be right behind you." She reassured Suty, as he turned back to check that she was following.

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